
  • enfp, the campaigner: The Campaigner personality is a true free spirit. They are often the life of the party, but unlike types in the Explorer Role group, Campaigners are less interested in the sheer excitement and pleasure of the moment than they are in enjoying the social and emotional connections they make with others. Charming, independent, energetic and compassionate, the 7% of the population that they comprise can certainly be felt in any crowd.

insights discovery

  • orange, the motivator: extravert intuitive person. positive thinkers, the enthusiastic people who like motivating other people in moving forward. They have the gift of finding connections between different events and translating them into new opportunities. The like adventure and unlimited possibilities and strive for prestige and respect. Their greatest fear is to be restricted or to lose respect. The Motivator has enormous enthusiasm that he spreads to those around him. His drive to succeed gives him a high level of motivation to achieve his dreams. He is not easily put off and finds it easy to think positively about every situation.

love type

  • explorer: explorers are born free. These men and women love novelty; they are willing to take risks to experience adventures of the mind and/or body. They are optimistic, energetic, spontaneous, mentally flexible, often generous and highly curious and creative. And they often seek a partner who will go adventuring with them: another Explorer. Because they are friendly and enthusiastic, have little interest in rules or schedules, and have no desire to control others they can make a date feel comfortable quickly. Explorers are also good at listening and talking. They are inquisitive, so they are likely to ask you about yourself in order to engage you and satisfy their curiosity. But they tend to play the field and seek as much freedom and variety as possible—until they are ready to settle down. +

aura colors

  • yellow: fun-loving, free-spirited, energetic, and childlike. wonderful, sensitive, optimistic beings, whose life purpose is to bring joy to people, to have fun, and to help heal the planet. be very shy and sensitive or be the life of the party. These playful characters have a great sense of humor. They love to laugh and to make others laugh. Yellows believe life is to be enjoyed. They like to live life freely and spontaneously. With a perpetual smile on their face, they remind people to not take themselves or their problems too seriously. +


  • green: drawn to money, power, and business. very organized and efficient. write lists. love to set goals and are determined to achieve them. the workaholics. highly competitive and enjoy challenges. thrive on taking risks. +

chinese zodiac

  • tiger: brave, competitive, unpredictable, and confident. they are very charming and well-liked by others. but sometimes they are likely to be impetuous, irritable, and overindulged.
  • earth tiger: adventurous and realistic, with strong faith +
mar 8 2018 ∞
jun 14 2019 +