• take the hint - if someone doesn't make an effort with me, they probably aren't worth the time. don't always be the one to progress friendships; allow space for you to figure out whether they actually care, and give them time to show their worth.
  • don't get so cut up about being replaced or excluded - would I really want to be around someone that does that? chances are I'm not missing anything anyway.
  • don't disregard first impressions - yes, they can often be wrong, but pisces are naturally perceptive (and even psychic to a degree) so if I get a bad vibe from someone, it's possible that it's for a reason.
  • confidence doesn't stem from compliments - even if it seems as though no one really cares, I can still feel confident in myself and know that my efforts to succeed in what I do are not going to waste.
feb 27 2015 ∞
feb 27 2015 +