• ab inito, Latin - from the beginning
  • ad hoc, Latin - formed, arranged, or done for a particular purpose only
  • ad infinitum, Latin - endlessly (lit: to infinity)
  • ad interim, Latin - for the meantime
  • ad nauseam, Latin - excessively (lit: to sickness)
  • alfresco, Italian - in fresh air
  • au fait, French - having a good or detailed knowledge of something
  • beau ideal, French - idealized type or model
  • bête noire, French - a thing one particularly dislikes (lit: black beast)
  • bildungsroman, German - a novel concerned with a person's formative years and development
  • blitzkrieg, German - an intense, violent military campaign intended to bring about a swift victory (lit: lightning war)
  • bon mot, French - a clever or witty remark
  • cherchez la femme, French - the underlying (and yes, sexist) assumption that behind every problem, there is a woman who caused it. (lit: "look for the woman")
  • compos mentis, French - sane; in full control of one's mind
  • cognoscenti, Italian - people who are well informed about something
  • coup de foudre, French - love at first sight (lit: stroke of lightning)
  • coup de grâce, French - mercy killing (lit: stroke of grace)
  • cui bono?, Latin - "who stands to gain?"
  • de facto, Latin - in fact, by right or not
  • déjà vu, French - the sense of having experienced the present situation before
  • deus ex machina, Latin - an unexpected event that saves an apparently hopeless situation (lit: god from the machinery)
  • doppelgänger, German - apparition or double of a living person
  • dormiveglia - the state between sleeping and waking
  • eigengrau - intrinsic grey; the color one sees in the absence of light (lit: own grey)
  • éminence grise, French - a person who has power or influence without holding an official position (lit: gray eminence)
  • en masse, French - all together
  • en passant, French - by the way (lit: in passing)
  • entre nous, French - between ourselves
  • faute de mieux, French - for want of a better alternative
  • firgun, Hebrew - the act of sharing in or contributing to another's pleasure or fortune
  • gung-ho, Chinese - enthusiastic (lit: to work together)
  • hiraeth, Welsh - a mix of longing, yearning, nostalgia, wistfulness, or an earnest desire for the lost or departed
  • in camera, Latin - in private
  • in situ, Latin - in the proper place
  • katzenjammer, German - a hangover or a severe headache accompanying a hangover (lit: cats wailing)
  • l'appel du vide, French - (lit: the call of the void) suicidal ideations in a situation where one is a step/move away from death, such as the thought/urge to jump while on a tall structure or to swerve into oncoming traffic or at a tree
  • le mot juste, French - the right word at the right time
  • nefelibata, Portugese - (lit: a cloud walker) one who lives in the cloud of their own imagination or dreams, or one who does not abide by the precepts of society, literature, or art; an unconventional, unorthodox person
  • noceur, French - one who sleeps late or not at all; or, one who stays out late to revel or party
  • schlaftrunken, German - half asleep, drowsy, drugged with sleep (especially after being woken up too early)
  • toska, Russian - a dull ache of the soul
  • toute la nuit, French - all night long
  • tsundoku, Japanese (portmanteau) - the condition of acquiring reading materials but letting them pile up in one's home without reading them
  • vorfreude, German - the joy one feels in anticipation of something joyful to happen
  • weltschmerz, German - the pain, sometimes even apathy or depression, a person feels by comparing the actual state of the world with the ideal state
sep 18 2015 ∞
apr 21 2017 +