we have dissociative identity disorder.

this means i have dissociated identities (or "alters") that are separate from me, due to traumatic events i experienced as a child. this is, essentially, "a lot of people in my head".

they can "take over" or "front", giving them control of the body. the identities that aren't fronting are still internally active, but they generally don't remember anything that happened while they were not fronting.

for us, oftentimes we have a *very* vague idea of what happens, but it's never a very clear picture.

There's currently 9 of us. Click on "Ongoing" at the top to see a list of us.

I'm not quite sure where to put this but as a note: We all collectively believe in the idea of group culpability ; what this means is if someone fucks up and does something bad we all take responsibility f...

may 19 2017 ∞
jul 31 2017 +
  • ANP

Apparently Normal Part. Deals w/ managing the outside life and usually aren't connected to trauma.

  • EP

Emotional Part. Usually inside parts. Always hold traumatic memories & are connected to trauma in some way, often being stuck in the sensory experience of the memory. Despite the name, EPs are not required to be emotional.

  • Dormancy

When an alter has not integrated, but is no longer active in the system. Alters can be dormant for an indefinite amount of time.

  • Caretaker

A type of protector. Generally deals with...

may 20 2017 ∞
jul 31 2017 +
  • Are you dangerous?

No. None of our alters are outwardly dangerous.

  • Dissociative identity disorder?

DID (as well as OSDD, which is essentially the same thing) as a disorder has been recognized since 1970, and studies on it have been done since 1880. It's a disorder that results out of trauma experienced as a child that disrupts your development.

It used to be referred to as Multiple Personality Disorder, but that term hasn't been used for years.

  • Why did you make this list?

To help people who know about our disorder be able to have reference material for our alters, as well as being able to keep all of our information in one place so w...

may 19 2017 ∞
aug 16 2017 +
  • Roles?

Alters all have "jobs" in a system, that mean they preform a specific task or role. For example, a protector's job is to protect the system or a specific alter in the system. See "Mini Glossary".

  • Fictional introject? That sounds fake. Why would you have a fictional character in your head?

Fictional introjects are medically recognized. These introjects use the identities of fictional characters to refract and fictionalize trauma, as well as help separate them from the host. These identities can also help them with their job. Alters form as these introjects, and usually as a result of serious stress or trauma.

This is not the same as "kin" - these alters are formed as these characters, with no choice in the matter, and the idea of ...

may 19 2017 ∞
aug 16 2017 +