follow if:

  • you're an intersectional feminist; you don't have to have it plastered all over your social medias ( as i don't ) just as long as you're not excluding others
  • you just like my stuff and think we can be friends

-- im very friendly!

  • also trying to find more mutuals born around '95-'97, who are p.o.c

before following my twitter

ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ ʚ♡ɞ

don't follow if (applies to every account anywhere/ just dont let me know u exist!):

  • you're not an inter-sectional feminist or if you exclude transfemme.
  • you're anti-black/ steal black culture or appropriate culture and dont think youre part of a problem
  • you have a foot fetish
    • or racial fetish
    • foot fetish (lol) it's kind of a trigger for me since i almost got kidnapped by a guy with a foot fetish in hs, i wasnt aware he was the foot fetish guy before talking to him alone in an empty hs, it was really scary and it reminds me of all his pics of my underage friends feet he had in his bag !
  • you're a furry. i used to think furries were just cosplaying but then i starting to see that they do like orgies or some shit, also nazi furries harassed me so, yeah i just associate furries with nazies now, but maybe you're not? idk i guess i just don't need to know furries in this lifetime.
  • you're racist, homophobic, fat-phobic, trans-phobic etc
  • you support rapists, child molesters, sexual harassers, artists who shut down voices of black or brown trans fem, etc.
    • ex: kodak black, xxxtentacin, macdemarco, kali uchis, rurouni kenshin creator (do your own research of some of these pervs/ rapists, ughh do i even have to explain this
  • you support abusers, and abusers who have mental illness and use their illness as an excuse to abuse
  • you feel it's okay for an adult dating minors or groomers just because it's legal in your state, etc
  • you are white passing and don't see your priviledge/
    • you're a white latinx like kali uchis who speaks over brown and black femmes and abuse other poc and black people/or speak over them
  • you were born after '99 --- i will sometimes follow younger people mostly NOT realizing their age since lots of people don't list it
nov 21 2017 ∞
feb 10 2023 +