WARNING!!! THIS IS FULL OF WARNINGS DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE BORED BY WARNINGS!!! (jk it's probably best to read this before following so when something from this comes up ur not like "wtf this aint what i signed up for)

  • things i cant tag are blood mentions and any of my starred interests. i tag irl blood though and never post irl gore! but i sometimes ask "hey anybody wanna see this wicked irl gore pic i just found" and just dm it to whoever replies Yea so there's that.
  • i'm very edgy + an unironic juggalo but i try not to be too intense about it, but it's still best not to follow if it'd be annoying to you. i make jokes about my misery a lot.
  • i only need two things tagged which is csa/pedophilia and dan schneider sex scandal stuff (u can tag the latter with 'manda...
dec 22 2017 ∞
dec 22 2017 +