WARNING!!! THIS IS FULL OF WARNINGS DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE BORED BY WARNINGS!!! (jk it's probably best to read this before following so when something from this comes up ur not like "wtf this aint what i signed up for)

  • things i cant tag are blood mentions and any of my starred interests. i tag irl blood though and never post irl gore! but i sometimes ask "hey anybody wanna see this wicked irl gore pic i just found" and just dm it to whoever replies Yea so there's that.
  • i'm very edgy + an unironic juggalo but i try not to be too intense about it, but it's still best not to follow if it'd be annoying to you. i make jokes about my misery a lot.
  • i only need two things tagged which is csa/pedophilia and dan schneider sex scandal stuff (u can tag the latter with 'mandark dont look' or something if you can remember!). my reasoning for the dan schneider thing is i coped by watching icarly when i was a kid when rlly bad things were going on and it's hard to think about the creator of it possibly doing the things i used the show to escape from. sorry if that's stupid it's really important. im ok with the foot fetish jokes though kjdghkdfhkff.
  • i coping-ship 12exec. it's the young adult versions of dexter and mandark from ego trip and while not necessarily abusive there's still a fucked up power imbalance thing going on so u know. it helps me with intrusive thoughts (im a csa survivor) is all u need to know. i try not to be a freak about it/i dont glorify my trauma with it (its not even rlly relevant to the trauma itself just intrusive thoughts) and all i post abt it on main is just mentioning it and joke art/comics (like. them painting eachothers nails and playing go fish n shit). it's not as bad as what ur probably thinking shdgsjdgh
  • i switch from having some sortof god complex to being REALLY self hate-y a lot. either way i tend to be very annoying. when it's the former i like making jokes abt being god but im not one of those tumblr godkins that are like "IM GOD AND I MUST HAVE THREE SACRIFICES WEEKLY" dont worry.
  • i have (prof. diagnosed) ocd and it's relevant sometimes.
dec 22 2017 ∞
dec 22 2017 +