I'm assuming most of you know my name, and that you know me as Calli. If you didn't originally meet me as Calli, eg. we met in highschool, at work or through mutual highschool friends, thats cool too! I just want to explain some things here.

  • My real name is Chelsea
  • Chelsea is not a deadname (duh, otherwise I wouldn't be telling you that)
  • If you met me as Calli and I added you on facebook or someone told you my actual name, please don't start referring to me as Chelsea. Its weird and jarring
    • Please don't call me Chelsea at a convention, or when we're in public with people who would know me as Calli and not even know my real name. Again, it feels super weird to be in a place where I can be myself and have fun with everyone who knows me as Calli, only to be interrupted and th...
jul 16 2018 ∞
jul 16 2018 +