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 microblogging at its finest  ✧

lisa SONGS
a ~ travel (current daydreams)
shug avery twenty 20 five. (five things.)

[write five things • people's names, places, emotions, film titles, song titles, bands... anything that sums up your day • do this each day on listography • copy and paste this so others know what this list is about]

inspiration: i., ii., ongoing, 13 month archive

  • 28 Wed → • • • •
  • 27 Tue → • • • •
  • 26 Mon → • • • •
  • 25 Sun → • • • •
  • 24 Sat → • • • •
  • 23 Fri → • • • •
  • 22 Thu → • • • •
  • 21 Wed → • • • •
  • 20 Tue → • • • •
  • 19 Mon → my throat is irritated, feeling pretty relieved • Microcenter for a new hard drive, so now I can finally get started on ~ processing photos ~ • • •
  • 18 Sun → • • • • sat nearby the biggest weebs on the train ride back home; listened to my Chicago playlist upon pulling into Union Station
  • 17 Sat → biggest regret of the weekend: paying $3.50 for a pack of 9 cough drops • • • •
  • 16 Fri → • • • •
  • 15 Thu → • • • •
  • 14 Wed → • • • • big night on TV
  • 13 Tue → we're in a partnership, keep your head above the water, and if not for yourself, at least for me • fixing my bag /not/ on the night before the con, but rather the afternoon before the night before the con • • •
  • 12 Mon → • • • • CBBUS was such a waste of time this episode, Keisha should've walked off the show rather than begged to be evicted, ughhh I should've watched The Bachelor
  • 11 Sun → • • • •
  • 10 Sat → they actually scored a VA, congrats lads • • • •
  • 09 Fri → we have a snowblower!!!! (for the season) • • • • giving handlettering a try, because I know I can write better, and it's a way to show self-improvement
  • 08 Thu → it's a beautiful day in this neighborhood, a beautiful day for a neighbo-- until an actual billboard sent an actual chill down my spine • ~clothes wearing~ is, while good-hearted, a nondescript term that fails to address the autonomy of personal preference amidst socially configured norms • morning walks /really/ boosted today's step count, and I added to my step total this afternoon • • I still don't know if I can't stand Omarosa or if I like her, but I just can't look away from CBBUS
  • 07 Wed → "observation: it's going to snow tomorrow" and that was enough motivation to leave the house and go outside • shoveled snow before leaving, and it felt like deja vu • met up with Eric, and we ate at Panera~ • basically, I could initiate convo with my neighbor, or I could continue to do what I always do: nothing • CBBUS started today!! watched it while prepping dinner
  • 06 Tue → bro took a shower at 4:30am, and I almost slammed my face into the bathroom door... almost • it wasn't just any bagel, it was a victory bagel • • was a good day, until Ma tried to take over how I prepared dinner • watched DPL's livestream, and it certainly won't be my last
  • 05 Mon → • had a craving for popcorn • in short, I gave up and played LLSIF the majority of the day, taking advantage of the final hours of the Let's Play campaign • •
  • 04 Sun → just when I thought I should shovel, it snowed again • watched youtube, and discovered a vlogger with a corgi • imo she got plastic surgery because (1) she can afford it and (2) she's an outcome of her environment; it's a normalized choice for her personal aesthetic that abides by a cultural ideology (yet still disturbing for me, an outsider and onlooker) • "if the Patriots go to the Superbowl every year, why can't Beyonce perform at halftime every year?" • the salmon was rotten, so Ma returned the fish to Jewel's and I accompanied her for take-out tacos
  • 03 Sat → hung out with cats! absolutely adored the most mischievous of the bunch • post-kitties brunch: chai tea french toast, with a side of fruit • bookstore, toy store (for children), secondhand store (bought a book!), toy store (for nerds) • something's up with my foot, it's uncharacteristic for the arch to ache for three days • did I get caught up for months in isolation and self-loathing? yes, but also no, not of my own accord; fake it 'til you make it
  • 02 Fri → finished copying my food management notes into my go-to notebook • that YT video has over 100k views and everyday I feel like disabling the comments on it, but apparently the Corner cheered and screamed when they saw it, so?? I'll leave it be and continue to delete offensive remarks • vacuumed the basement • it's easy to tell when the neighbors aren't home because they aren't there to hush their dogs • the line at Portillo's wrapped around the street, so we went in and ordered; Ma saw her old co-worker, the one that sues everyone
  • 01 Thu → adding white rice to tamales helps to reduce the spiciness • 15th out of the 77, we're known not to be known via WGN • the poetic works of KC and KT • it was one of those days where ya just lie on the floor, just to watch the world turn • gotta remember that Dad believes in me so much and his belief in me is all the validity I need
feb 1 2018 ∞
aug 2 2018 +