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 microblogging at its finest  ✧

lisa SONGS
a ~ travel (current daydreams)
shug avery twenty 20 five. (five things.)

[write five things • people's names, places, emotions, film titles, song titles, bands... anything that sums up your day • do this each day on listography • copy and paste this so others know what this list is about]

  • 31 Wed → it was only 4 hours' worth of work, but it felt good(?) to be called in • absolutely frustrated by The Shop's sleight of hand tactics for the upcoming inspection, ofc they're gonna give ya a hard time for using household appliances in a commercial food establishment • I just needed a change of scenery, and reassurance that the seemingly-impossible is possible • had $3.15 left on my Ventra card so I decided to pay the bus fare in cash, however, the fare machine broke and I boarded the bus for free; 10/10 that was a Godwink • yes, the McElroy Bros. are not experts and their advice should never be followed, but in this case, it's easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission (I'm Milwaukee-bound!)
  • 30 Tue → it's been one week since The Shop gave me a call, and I'm feeling the Void of unemployment right 'bout now • DD coffee is the devil's brew (but I still drink it anyway) • self-improvement isn't a linear phenomena, Ma, but I appreciate the thought (and the fresh daisies!) • dinner: cream of mushroom soup and white rice, with a side of pork chops • newfound fitness goal: learn how to do a handstand, because it takes a lot more strength than originally thought
  • 29 Mon → streamed music via youtube • if I had to describe the weather today, it was "nippy" • obviously it was a shop for locals, but it felt nice to observe the locals • overhearing conversations, serious contemplation on where I went wrong, and how others are continuing to persist in spite of their environmental barriers • Ma and I are gonna officially boycott The Bachelor bc Arie's obviously been told by production to /not/ boot off the problematic woman
  • 28 Sun → note to self: read up on Mary Karr (esp. after listening to her self-reflection as a Catholic) • had a craving for baklava; Ma and I ventured to the nearest European bakery (consulting google) • it's unsettling to resonate with stories of minority youth not succeeding in higher education • as of today, I've kept of my streak of walking 8,000 steps per day for a whole week • watched the Grammy's, but the real wait was for the hosts of Sound Opinions to list the up-and-coming artists from Chicago (Sir the Baptist, Jamila Woods, Melkbelly, Knox Fortune)
  • 27 Sat → thought I'd play mobilegames on the bus ride, but instead I stared out the window at the dilapidated conditions of the South Side • yes I had moments of loneliness, but I chatted with a lot of people! smalltalk is good, and I'm reassured that I'm not alone • saving my one (1) coffee sleeve from Medici because their sandwiches are worth every penny and I WILL return for another cappuccino • definitely have to come back to Hyde Park in general, and take advantage of their bookstores (note: commute via the #6 bus next time) • bought a mug with a tea infuser, so now bro and I can brew our own tea simultaneously (20% OFF ALL THE THINGS)
  • 26 Fri → Ma came back to make chicken quesodillas for us, making Dad a bit jealous, ha • apparently yesterday's text was meant for the kids (and not for me) but the shop has lots of new cupboards and it's actually starting to look like a coffee shop • balanced out my lazy first portion of the day walking around the neighborhood in the dusk/twilight hours, returning home after the sun set • had a good chat with bro about the coffee shop menu (among other topics) • Ma entered my room during the late night asking what on earth I was playing on my laptop and I said Science Friday
  • 25 Thu → refreshing the LL! American group page, but I fear posting bc a local debbie downer might be inclined to comment on my post • walked by the Thai restaurant I ate with nerdfighters 7 years ago! had a huge nostalgia trip, and I'm surprised it's still in business • I was late to our soft pretzel date because I took a long time finishing my latte... • Blaze Pizza is our perfect compromise; I got my greens on my pizza while he got his cheese :) • Ma's coworker brought homemade baklava and omg, a new favorite thing
  • 24 Wed → today I was proactive about doing my laundry earlier rather than later • couldn't decide between playing FGO (half AP) or Enstars (Switch/Knights), but in the end, opted for Enstars • good thing I didn't stop by DD while walking because I left my wallet at home, that would've been embarrassing • 2 hour episode of The Amazing Race today, yay • an instagram fan account for Lil Durk posted Eric's phone number? and now he's getting calls and text messages about being Lil Durk?? poor kid
  • 23 Tue → another day to feel awkward about my inability to speak Spanish (but at least I'm not the only one who doesn't speak Spanish) • inventory, inventory... we almost counted 2,000 packets of sugar... almost • he liked my design maybe?? I'm trying not to downplay his reaction but in that moment, I felt proud of my abilities • kinda feeling regretti for not bringing my laptop to the coffee shop I visited today, but at least it's an incentive to return • I wish my friends knew how bad I feel about my minimalistic, wavering online presence
  • 22 Mon → apparently I was supposed to be at the coffee shop at 10am and no one told me (but it's okay!) • I ate my tamale so fast, I practically inhaled it • the guy at the office next door takes cigarette breaks behind the coffee shop and all his cigarette buds blow into the shop's property (guess who had to sweep them up) • the weather was warm! 40 degrees never felt so warm • the problem with going home (for a brief period of time) is that I sit down and never want to leave
  • 21 Sun → my fb feed is staggering, with one post from a grammar school classmate performing at a dance showcase in Japan, and another from a high school classmate who's an exotic dancer at a local bar • Ma drove to LSQ because we were short on time, but bro would drive during the ride back • the English dub wasn't too bad? I thought it was alright • super misty weather while downtown, like, you couldn't see a block down the street • meatloaf is the comfort food of all comfort foods
  • 20 Sat → passing by a restaurant and saying "wow, that looks like a great restaurant!" and then realizing that it was, in fact, the restaurant where we just ate lunch • as for walk-in appointments, the Catcade was booked until the late evening, so we scheduled an appointment for early February • only in the presence of others, I realize how audacious I am about inquiring about tea • ofc I didn't buy anything from makeup/skincare stores, but it felt good to explore stores I otherwise wouldn't step into • that Looming feeling haunted me, all day long, and I'm trying to cast it aside, but...
  • 19 Fri → a new New Year's resolution: wish happy birthday to the people that matter (via fb) • I could take a 15 minute bus ride... orrr I could walk for 30 minutes (I chose the latter) • miraculously scored a 2nd floor seat at today's coffee house • watched NotAWhale's livestream while studying the sheet Ma gave me about espresso drinks • it's hard to believe that, in the year 2018AD, women still believe they should do 100% of the housework for their husbands
  • 18 Thu → wrangling mixed feelings from yesterday's "nah, move onto another interest" incident, directly clashing with today's undertone of "hey, stay" • I chose to be passive aggressive, and wow, was I conscious of it • totally had the choice to pick up the unknown number but I let it go to voicemail • late on time, but also hopelessly desperate to try out different coffee shops, wound up at a coffeebar, that was an experience • making a late night purchase, and googling "how to haggle on the internet" (and failing to haggle)
  • 17 Wed → overslept for the first time in a long time and it feels unsettling • caught up on The Amazing Race in time for tonight's episode; for the time being, I'm finding myself rooting for the Yale couple • I stayed home for the most part, "for the most part?" and then explained how I walked 4 blocks for PoGO while listening about the importance of When • I forgot to make beans for dinner?? there was a pot on the burner where the skillet usually goes and I totally forgot to put beans on that burner • they didn't read my letter on the livestream, guess it's time for bed
  • 16 Tue → tidied up my desk, but when I look away it gets messy again, why is that • just when I think bro and I might argue, we find a way to patch things up (thank you, PoGO) • yo, Ma started her antidepressant and between the two of us, it was such a chill evening at the dinner table • why do adults over 40 insist on using FB and insist on tagging millennials in photos/statuses they want them to see • late night, writing and graphically compiling a letter to Hanayo (to-be-read on tomorrow's stream? let's hope!)
  • 15 Mon → lots of snow overnight, heard the neighbors shoveling outside around 7am • talked with dad about psychology, but I walked out feeling like I still have potential using the field for my future (what's my future?? idk) • gosh I love these stupid, hipster coffee shops; the neighborhood one isn't even open yet and I'm already catastrophizing • the theater was crowded! I sat nearby a guy with a notepad on his lap, why take notes during a gay romance/drama? I bet he's a movie critic • I almost forgot my hat on the bench outside the bathroom in the theaters
  • 14 Sun → building my reputation for Knowing About Coffee and tried Fairgrounds, a craft coffee experience • haven't seen Eric in a while and I'm proud to say we're on a ~date~ and I'm so glad he introduced me to Paddington • my soft pretzel craving is real, not that I mind or anything • a plushie store opened in Water Tower Place and we walked out with sumikko gurashi plushies, omg • went along for the ride to up bro from his friend's house
  • 13 Sat → my weekend not @ work is gonna be gr8 [12am strikes] A SWITCH/KNIGHTS ENSTARS EVENT, HELP PLZ • went to the bank, and as always, everything turned out better than expected • responded to sukutomo's survey, brought out my community psychology hat and gave feedback on the lack of a gaming community on the site • on having a lot of groceries: "[the neighbors] must think we're feeding an army" we just eat at home a lot? tbh that's not a bad thing • dad urged me to watch SNL (bc bro was online and unavailable) but idk, I'm feeling drained from this week's current events
  • 12 Fri → espresso machines were installed at the coffee shop today! (lots of free sampling) kinda nervous about using them • new life motto: "he doesn't have to know" (re: the plumber, optimistically giving me his number, never knowing I have no intentions of calling him) • the doctor asked about my appetite, and I unloaded about how my bosses order take-out and/or bring donuts for employees; I turn down their offers with good intentions, but it's nice to have outside support about my decisions • Friday rush hour traffic, topped off by a parked freight train on the tracks (15+ minutes) • bro and I made tea after dinner; I gotta get back into a tea-drinking routine
  • 11 Thu → in a really good mood! my throat feels terrible, but it's not affecting my spirit • got called into the coffee shop at 1:30pm... technically, it's my fault for not leaving for the movies sooner • got caught in the rain mid-PoGO run, loitered under a garage for 5 minutes until the heavy rain passed • on the topic of R-rated Japanese media, Devilman Crybaby reminds me so much of Hentai Kamen?? (like, devilman is justice) • dad got all fussy because I alluded to how he's not gonna teach me how to drive
  • 10 Wed → got my results back from the food management course, and I passed the 90-question exam! • according to a google notification, it's 14 degrees warmer today than it was yesterday; I have no excuse not to go outside • redeemed my free pretzel (thanks, tmobile) and asked for a cup of water at Starbucks, livin' that money-conscious lyfe • bro and I commuted back home together, that is, until he backtracked from the bus stop to place his Pokemon in a gym • Tio is free of cancer! and he'll be getting married next Friday in Jamaica! what a life~
  • 09 Tue → t'was a day of good intentions (to leave the house) and a lack of action (as in, I just didn't leave the house) • messaged F/MU about the new WinterFes straps, and snaged some before they're out of inventory, yayy • watched youtube, (re)familiarizing myself with Akidearest and TheAnimeMan's vlogs from Aokigahara • it's been a while since listening to AZALEA and I'm falling in love with them all over again
  • 08 Mon → my shoulder still hurts, and my sore throat got worse • justified the fib by browsing instagram... I should post there more often, better justifying my red herring of social media • thank goodness it's skirtsteak instead of ground beef to cook for dinner, it's such an easier experience • watched The Bachelor with Ma, I'm surprised how she was so into the show • although I went to bed around 9:30, bro slept through dinner, entirely
  • 07 Sun → listography was down today, whyy • freezing rain created dangerous conditions • I don't think the cashier remembered me from yesterday, so it was only an awkward experience on my end? • opened up the FGO box split with Eric, now to find homes for the Gilgamesh mochimochi mascots • salmon tastes best when it's on sale
  • 06 Sat → my coworker actually arrived at 8am when I arrived with the shop key at 8:01, goshdarn • painting on the ceiling is the hardest thing I've ever done • trying to build rapport? I've found out that making smalltalk over mainstream media usually does the trick • ate dinner at Aurelio's Pizza in LaGrange, a pizzeria far better than Little Cesar, no questions asked • tired, beyond words; my shoulder's in a world of pain
  • 05 Fri → "you're gonna get fat while working here" um, not if I don't eat the donuts y'all purchase • kicking out people who stay in-shop for longer than 30 minutes is ridiculous, do they even go to coffee shops? highly questionable • a lot more people are "supervisors" than I expected; does this mean I can request off certain days easier? • slipped on a patch of ice and my thermos of coffee spilled all over my purse, damaging my gaming phone and staining my stationary • had low expectations for fast food salad but it was top notch; a superb alternative to Italian beef
  • 04 Thu → I ROLLED MYSTERIOUS HEROINE X, I AM SO UNWORTHY • "wear clothes you plan to get dirty" tbh I lack designation in my wardrobe for "dirty clothes" • "I'm giving up salad this year" excuse me?? give lettuce a chance • met The Little One today • invited Ma into the coffee shop; afterwards, bro told me "at least Ma didn't embarrass you when she came to your workplace"
  • 03 Wed → am I crazy for going to Olive Park for to catch Wailmers in 10 degree weather? if it was -10 degree weather, yes • a dog named Buster came up to me and I was humbled (the owner was quite frustrated that her dog jumped on a stranger, tho) • overheard an exchange about cross-contamination between a McDonald's employee and a customer, and got flashbacks to Thursday's food safety lecture • I miss downtown Chicago so much, the neighborhood is so sleepy and lacks the downtown hustle and bustle • I'll be busy for the next couple of days, so Eric swung by today for tacos
  • 02 Tue → feeling the pressure to pull in the paid gacha in FGO JP, but I am resisting and the hardest part has passed • did I make a mistake when I said that I mostly listen to NPR programming? orrr did I correctly choose to assert my intellectual finesses? only time will tell • feelsbadman about not taking home a box of Little Cesar's Pizza but no one in my family would eat it; their pizza is so mediocre • new stationary arrived today! spent the afternoon filling in dates • Ellen's Game of Games (later, Ma thanked me for telling her to tune into the show)
  • 01 Mon → went to bed at a record early time (for new year's) and still felt tired? record cold weather made drifting into a nap very alluring • packed the Christmas decorations away, Cheaters was playing on TV • talked to Grandma; she shared how she and 11 other couples would host socials once a year • Chinese food, our family's version of holiday celebration • maybe my new year's resolution should be to enter chatrooms more often, without fear
jan 1 2018 ∞
sep 1 2018 +