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 microblogging at its finest  ✧

lisa SONGS
a ~ travel (current daydreams)
shug avery twenty 20 five. (five things.)

[all you need to do is write five things • it can be people's names, places, emotions, film titles, song titles, bands, anything that sums up your day • do this each day on your listography • copy and paste this so others know what this list is about]

  • 30 Fri → had an early start today! • love (almost) leaving the house and thinking "oh, I almost forgot to pack this!" • it's already the 4th of July weekend? • I feel like I've finally moved past the Sept. 2015 incident, no regrets :) • got the wrong drink at the coffee shop and the wrong salad from Portillo's, but it's good to try new food
  • 29 Thu → dad went to the doctor's; it's a muscular problem, not a cardiovascular problem • sausage and egg McMuffin (the cheese already comes with it) • Tuataria's discussion of "what is a sandwich?" • guess the rain kept me inside, after all • feeling sad, but it was a good day; I know that in the future, I'll be wishing for days like today
  • 28 Wed → "bro, ask about Jojo, the latest addition to the Jewel-Osco fam" • finally pin-pointed the living room stench: it's the carpet • whoops, totally ignored llsif for f/go these past few days • BB19 started! the second year in a row where CBS weather updates interrupted the BB premiere, lol • it's good to keep in contact with others
  • 27 Tue → "it's a nice day out today, why not go outside?" mmm ok • about mental health • left late, and was short on time • the vanilla latte was exactly as I expected (that's a good thing!) • stop being a pessimist: the "out of the frying pan, into the fire" edition
  • 26 Mon → (my night rerolling: pt2) stayed up until dawn, when Eric found someone to trade my Jeanne reroll for EMII; received the account, started playing and I couldn't stop sobbing • 10am: highly sleep-deprived but, after caffeine, felt energetic~ • felt suddenly inclined to "put myself out there," and chatted with very friendly people (I need to stop being a pessimist) • if I stretch more, can I get more flexible? • Ma ranted on Samm's "terrible choice" of wedding dress and, tbh, her argument was lit
  • 25 Sun → very glad I woke up in time~ • Dad finally watched Get Out • nobody livestreamed the wedding for the people who weren't invited, so we had our own celebration (feat. frozen custard) • ah yes, neighborhood locals, and why I don't associate with them: the carnival edition • (my night rerolling: pt1) F/GO dropped at 11pm; I was perfectly content, but then entered a downward spiral: "what if there's something more?" "could I roll EMII?" and ultimately, "I have to reroll for EMII"
  • 24 Sat → IHOP with Ma; we both ate crepes • felt good to wake up early on a Saturday (and waste the early afternoon) • met up by the riverfront; tremendous amount of seating along Dearborn is lovely • sorry but I lowkey have to grind in Enstars every 2 hours • how did I get so lucky; I love this city and its company
  • 23 Fri → not gonna let the referral go to waste this time • I want boba tea but I also want to save money (...where can I buy money) • haven't used the treadmill in over a month, lol • very long chat with Dad • watched lots of Enstars scouting vids; now I don't feel so bad about my pull anymore
  • 22 Thu → took a little doozie on the couch • MY MOBAGE PHONE ARRIVED TODAY hooray • ya see bro, here's why you don't wanna associate w/Anime Midwest... • walked to get a google play card *inhales deeply* for Enstars... • annnd my Tsumugi scouting just wasn't meant to be :v
  • 21 Wed → no, not the first day of summer • scanned some documents for dad (and made his day, apparently) • finally started reading the Case Files of EMII • biked to the post office and made a run for tea • "you uploaded pictures? :) " yeah... I'm trying to make this a regular Wed/Sun thing...
  • 20 Tue → reasons to prepare and get dressed for the day: to create serendipitous bus stop encounters • sometimes I just don't want to be reminded of the folk who live in my neighborhood • it's less of a "can't get out of bed" but more of an "I'm melting into the furniture" sorta feeling • she really does know where I'm coming from • "going to" contains a dose of unpredictability
  • 19 Mon → internet surfed all morning. also ENSIF player ranking was posted • corner seat at my hooky hangout • ate tacos at the restaurant (on family taco night) • scavenged for the handle of BB19 "cosplay artist" Ramses • now I remember why I don't look up bun tutorials (bobbypins)
  • 18 Sun → dad predicted his Father's Day card from the front cover, lol • the Quarry is so out-of-date • they took no time whatsoever to shop at DSW • trading my Rin strap for a You strap • processed photos, still frustrated over shooting in jpeg instead of raw
  • 17 Sat → spent hours searching for a mobage phone and found a galaxy s5 w/ a broken camera on ebay aaaa IT'S PERFECT • scattered showers • so Wonder Woman was never American? • dad would appreciate a humor-based card about his laziness, yes? • we finally got soft pretzels
  • 16 Fri → release me from this paper, save me from the darkness I've become • the weather is significantly warmer while carrying BK icees ya can't drink • it's the southwest side auto show... i mean "cruise night" (feat. blue lives) • to get better, like her, you have to practice your passion over and over again • I already feel summer melancholy setting in, but I felt better today than all other days this week
  • 15 Thu → I'm going out to lunch with Titi? and she's actually excited about it? • psych paper, yes, still working on it • how to squeeze in 4 hours of gameplay to T1 the Hanayo event... • cried during Backseat Rider #35, an ep about passion and dreams • Cheyenne, Wyoming
  • 14 Wed → the electricity briefly went out twice today • the most tranquil squirrel lounging on the concrete • mid-afternoon rain • Sherry is an only child and doesn't have nieces and nephews; she graciously thanked us for the card. she also wants to beat up our real aunt. • fried rice
  • 13 Tue → the (re)discovery of Greta Morgan • bro ran 6 blocks just to catch a Chansey • should I get a refurbished smartphone just to play mobage? • it rained for a bit today • "And why are you asking yourself that now? You aren't able to comprehend the future when it hasn't happened yet"
  • 12 Mon → everything I shot from the weekend was in JPG instead of RAW: a modern tragedy • did yardwork in 90 degree heat • he saw her dad at the grocery store and I saw her brother today? is this a sign? • thoughts on not being a heritage speaker - Racial Impostor Syndrome • now that P5 is out, I don't really care about E3 anymore
  • 11 Sun → a bad start, but I did what I had to do • another day, another time to fit 6 people into a 5 person car • there are three types of people: talkers, listeners and people who can do both; listeners and listeners don't fare well together • dare I say, it was a heart to heart talk at Wendy's • due to a fire at Western, the train was delayed for 20 minutes
  • 10 Sat → "we don't allow backpacks into the venue" lol watch me make it disappear • can 6 people fit into a 5 person car? his family made it work • chicken salad sandwich (with a side of salad) • English F/GO dub voices released; "coincidence? I think not~" • hey Ma, I'm bring home a slice of Lutz cake home "OMG!! I love you!"
  • 09 Fri → rode the bus downtown, caught up on llsif • Argo tea; lots of high schoolers, but I actually got work done! • senior game dev showcase; caught up with Cassie about F/GO; gotta find out how to play Mia's game on my mac • little did they know that I know of them from the internet • housewarming, feat. anime and Giordano's pizza
  • 08 Thu → gather 'round the TV, it's the biggest thing since Watergate (feat. bagels and donuts) • 23 Reminders for 23 Year Olds • discovered tutorials from youtuber Jessica Kobeissi • thoughts about what I want to do in life (while drinking coffee) • participated in the itsatuatora NF scavenger hunt
  • 07 Wed → I haven't played llsif since Friday and totally missed the start of the Hanayo event • before getting on the bus, coffee(fefe) • fitting at the costume shop • I discovered Mandy Harvey before she was cool ; Mara's Song • getting an Arby's sandwich was the highlight of my day
  • 06 Tue → narrowed down 559 photos to a final 35, I'm pretty proud of myself • downloaded (and watched a bit of) the Ensemble Stars live stage play • dad's going for another procedure tomorrow, and bro's really frustrated with him (as are the rest of us) • if I grew up without a childhood role model, I can survive young adulthood without a young adult role model • and then I compared myself to V and started to feel crappy about myself ;v;
  • 05 Mon → dad spent actual money on his DC mobage, can nobody in my family maintain their f2p status • Sam came to help (and also to beat up Timmy); guess I didn't need my tripod after all • so glad Christian came along too, we needed a leftie for the perfect shot • stalled for time at Adams & Wabash during the evening commute
  • 04 Sun → drive from I-55 to LSD; arrived right on time! • ordered kimchi pho; the waiter remembered Nick from previous years • "if Emma had a problem, we'd have a dilEmma" -Christian, 2017 • walked down to the harbor by myself, a truly scenic view of the city • my only mistake was having high expectations for fb albums
  • 03 Sat → feeling super incredibly nervous for Monday • TTS showcase; probably should've introduced myself as a non-theater person • al pastor tacos are the best tacos, I love Mexican food • he resembles his brother most in the sunlight • hopefully Eric enjoyed his special day :)
  • 02 Fri → my ita bag is "ambitious" ...or should I say success~ • a stroll along Columbus Dr. • peach iced tea (and free munchkins for Eric) • playtesting Function Fighters... and holding onto my gameplay by a single point • guess I'm glad I went to the Corner today... things will be different without Timmy, Mia and Jessica
  • 01 Thu → based on the two steps I took outside, it was a beautiful day today • mobage after mobage after mobage & then back to the first mobage • planning for Sunday; I tried my best to sway new board to dine at a gluten free restaurant... • it's a long ways away from May 12th, but I finally started to dm ppl their Japan Night photos • Backseat Rider #034♪ Passionate
jun 1 2017 ∞
jul 2 2017 +