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 microblogging at its finest  ✧

lisa SONGS
a ~ travel (current daydreams)
shug avery twenty 20 five. (five things.)

[all you need to do is write five things • it can be people's names, places, emotions, film titles, song titles, bands, anything that sums up your day • do this each day on your listography • copy and paste this so others know what this list is about]

  • 30 Thu → new idea: start a neighborhood running club, where residents sprint to sight-see local attractions in our nei-- wait there are none • Lady Bird might just be my favorite film of the year (either that or In This Corner of the World ); it was a witty coming-of-age dramedy, and very uncanny when Lauer made a 3 sec cameo • the only things that winter possesses are the memories of summer • appreciated my parents a lil bit more that night
  • 29 Wed → "warm boi and warm cocoa" I couldn't have said it better myself ;o; • Matt Lauer was fired from 'Today' and man, just a lot of thoughts about the men who misuse their positions of power • showed bro how to make tea ("make" = prepare) and the poor lad left his tea bag in his mug for too long and it broke • finished TATWD and started Theft by Finding • guess I had to the choice to prepare and overcome the fear but instead I took the avoidant route
  • 28 Tues → Where Millennials Come From • CPS students at the train station were hyping about the CTA holiday train?? I heeded their overheard advice and waited for the train to arrive • I wasn't ID'd when the waiter served the pitcher of sangria? the times, they are a-changin' • the Holiday Market at Lincoln Park Zoo, where the mild weather was welcomed for the late-autumn outing • I can't get hot cocoa now (8pm); I'll be needing it as a catalyst at midnight
  • 27 Mon → cyber Monday; splurged on some kindle books • my prayers have been answered, a coffee shop is opening up in my neighborhood in January 2018 • feeling sentimentality without fear, imagining the future and experiencing milestones with loved ones • making dinner (feat. Dad's "unreflected life is not worth living" quote, totally not inspired by Socrates) • am I a photographer or a picture-taker? for the time being, probably the latter
  • 26 Sun → lately I've been going to bed at a reasonable hour (~11pm) and I like waking up early naturally (~7am) • the fam went to the movies, so I took advantage of the daylight hours to finish reading Arc's path in Tsukihime • "be sure to let your dad have some time to read in the chair too" ...ok ma • college advice from a 75yo with 30 degrees: stay in school for as long as possible • leftover Thanksgiving turkey with lettuce and mayo (a good substitute for gravy!)
  • 25 Sat → New Wave, but this time I brought my own mug :) • it took forever (read: 2.5months), but I messaged the seller about available merch from box splits • this time, I helped him out by finding the perfect thread • Farfetch'd is released in PoGO: got my ducks-in-a-row on our way to the train station (wait! there's one more duck around that corner! "ughh") • "so, do you wanna go to Baker's Square and pick up another pie?" of course!
  • 24 Fri → dad was like "I have to run on a treadmill today, you'd be good at that" and felt a lil better about myself • the truest sign of adulthood is having the authority to order a pizza whenever the hck you want (an observation) • put up the Christmas decorations (small tree edition); let's just say that Ma and I are very opinionated • currently in the mood for a salad; how long will the Apple Harvest Salad be at Portillo's? • imo but it really shouldn't take a cancer diagnosis to reach out to your siblings, but eh, what do I know :V
  • 23 Thu → watched the National Dog Show, from pillar to post, on the couch with Eric, and it was a blast • having Titi Martha over for Thanksgiving really made the holiday seem special; she's not perfect, but she's a keeper • Ma and Dad hardly ever eat on ceramic plates (they liken to the paper plates); today was an exception • last-minute FGO grinding for the Gudaduda event • Best Buy (pre-black Friday edition): not as crowded as one might imagine? a positive experience and bro got a gr8 deal on a new TV
  • 22 Wed → breakfast: arroz con gandules (because the dinnertime taco meat wasn't defrosted) • spent an astounding amount of time stationary, listening to podcasts, catching up in LLSIF • "22 is now the new 17 (you’re not an adult until you’re 25)" ...I sorta wish I knew this when I was 22, but also according to those standards, I still have a lot of life left to go • did some research and a 16yo sent me a friend request in LLSIF; it's to big of an age gap :V • it's thanksgiving eve, and the pies are already opened
  • 21 Tue → he took 6.5 years to finish his degree (Washed Up Whale, episodes 4 and 3), "you learn more from failure than you can ever learn from success" • the real crime of Denton-Mccaster (in Sangamon county, and from a national perspective, it's a county relatively close to home) • while biking with her dog, did my younger brother's friend's older sister notice me? because I noticed her, an old high school classmate • it looks like a heartwarming movie! "you sure it won't turn into a horror movie?"'s rated PG • the latest craze in our household: mixing cran-apple juice with sprite to create Cran-Apple Soda
  • 20 Mon → imo it's easy to let what you love overshadow who you are (esp. on FB); who you are shouldn't be defined by what you love, but how you love • (finally) started reading Tsukihime • The Story (or as I called it, "I Was Made for You" when performed on The Voice) • Dad was still proud of me, reiterating how I flexed a muscle only attainable through a university education; sure it wasn't perfect, but I delivered a message • my deepest, irrational fear: a public call-out post, where someone publicly tarnishes my full name to expose my online wrongdoings
  • 19 Sun → bro ended up staying home because he "had to do his laundry;" doing chores shouldn't stop you from visiting relatives • the Little One (3yo) has the most adorable (and slightly troubling?) outgoing personality; she must be stopped • had to explain about politics and started crying, why am I like this • I walked away from the experience valuing my calm energy, and realizing that we have more similarities between us as family members than polarizing political differences • Ma was proud of me for sticking up for her, and told Dad and bro all about the conversation
  • 18 Sat → held off eating breakfast long enough and it turned into eating Mexican food for lunch • witnessed the comeuppance (roasting) of a user in the itabag comm in realtime; it's not about spending money (around a money-based hobby) for a daughter, but time with one's daughter that matters most • sometimes when I'm feeling down I look at my Hello Kitty plushie and think "I won this from an itabag contest" and feel slightly better about myself and my aesthetic vanity • thoughts about writing and gift-giving (and why I'm so bad at it!) • found out the end of Ma's story (when she found a $100 nail salon gift card 'for Mama,' and turned it into security): the woman went to security and got her gift card back!
  • 17 Fri → how dare organizations kick off the start of the holiday season before Thanksgiving • autumn rain; caught Suicune in PoGO (I'd like to think the rain helped in the capture) • they have in-shop mugs at New Wave now, amazing (it's too bad my drink got cold really fast tho, oh well) • is a hyphenated word ONE or TWO words?? "using the example 'real-time video,' the word count for that phrase should equal two, since 'real-time' becomes one word by virtue of the hyphenation" ohhH • went on my own adventure and returned before anyone else arrived at home
  • 16 Thu → Switch dropped their album previews!! soon I'll be able to listen to 4 songs instead of 2 • imported my photos from Monday, and my time partaking in photography can be defined by a single word: progress • Dad was thinking about "my mom's mom" and about how she survived being held at gunpoint three times; why? "just thinking about her" • I very much brought my bro into the tea world (instead of coffee) and I can very much take him out (and back to coffee) • marathon'd rinsenpai's school idol hell playlist while grinding in LLSIF
  • 15 Wed → helped removed the seams of a church banner; it's the least I can do • the ACen TM CSP group is lit this afternoon ("did you do the survey?" ...not yet) • iHop's cheesecake stuffed french toast with strawberries ("where's your mom?" tbh yeah, it was sorta odd for her to drop us off like that) • lost an inch on my waist since last year?? yay • to my surprise, I returned home with an ample amount of time to make dinner (feat white rice: the less salty edition!)
  • 14 Tue → he was nervous, and they ripped him to shreds • the most uncomfortably awkward elevator ride in the history of 2-story elevator rides • Krispy Kreme, my long awaited love • the Steak and Shake was a hop, skip and a jump down the interstate and it was a joy • essentially, the movie questioned "what is justice?" and "how can we carry out justice to people who recklessly sought out justice?"
  • 13 Mon → Dad is /super/ unfamiliar with packing and it was only through seeing him pack, I realized how I am pretty accustomed to traveling (don't carry distilled water in a gallon jug, dad, put the water in a mason jar) • onwards! kinda thankful we took a pitstop in Pontiac • Lincoln was a humble man, and accepted the uncertainty of departing from his beloved home as president-elect • the local NBC weatherman was a worthy highlight of the Central Illinois experience • 10/10 Ma and I don't make good roommates (is it that bad to sleep with the light on?)
  • 12 Sun → more self-loathing (re: see yesterday) • Starbucks had a bogo deal on holiday drinks and I made an effort to exploit the discount to its fullest (part 2/2: a grande chai for the later and a tall latte for the now) • Ian saw bro's "nerd car," disappointed at the small body count it could carry • salmon is the most wholesome homemade meal • all of his Saturday mornings at the kitchen table are leading up to this one moment
  • 11 Sat → intense inquiry about Alvin & the Chipmunks (that is, after watching half of their first movie broadcasted on TV) • feeling sorta down and defeated, this was my chance to actually upload and publish in a timely manner and I blew it • watching Maria jogging so close to our house is inspirational, honestly • Starbucks had a bogo deal on holiday drinks and I made an effort to exploit the discount to its fullest (part 1/2: one drink for myself and another for Eric) • Panera's "bread bowl" except used as a term of endearment
  • 10 Fri → the first snowfall of the season, "too soon" I say • finally imported and rated youma photos, still too nervous to actually process them tho, sigh • Panic! at the Laundry Room • the Lou Malnati's salad was the highlight of dinner • I don't like the Dateline stories where the person is missing (and later found dead); tonight's episode about the woman who escaped the FLDS is an episode that better suits my palate
  • 09 Thu → I can't pass up the opportunity to mention how bro saw the Thor movie on Thursday, like... it's Thorsday • spent hours grinding for T1 in the LLSIF Kanamaru score match, aaah life. • This American Life♪ 129 Cars; I couldn't stop thinking about how bro purchased his own car at the end of the month • good news: Dad's heart is a-okay, and the insurance will let him keep his breathing machine • did I take a break from college to delay the inevitable? if so, then what is the inevitable?
  • 08 Wed → (tried to) upload my DA concert videos to youtube; uploading a single 4 minute video takes a ridiculous amount of time • quick workout; sprinted on the treadmill for 3 consecutive minutes! • Nature had more drama than other prime time television shows (feat. baby cheetahs) • 10/10 I want to take that position in registration, I'd be more than welcomed to take it • google search: Barrett Syndrome
  • 07 Tue → I just like singing when I'm home alone, is that so bad? • made the call, rescheduling my 11/14 appointment to 12/15 • public transportation (to my astonishment) worked in my favor today • turkey burgers are such a welcomed dinnertime meal • twitter dropped 280 tweets to the general public, and tbh, the site is kind of a dumpster fire rn
  • 06 Mon → bagpipes were sounding from a distance; ahh yes, the neighbors • thoughts about failure • my old WGS classmate weight-lifted 300lbs and I feel so inspired (to do what? weight-lift? workout? have a hobby? all of the above) • Ma & Dad were in such a good mood, they missed me, and it was a pleasant evening at the dinner table • I don't hate Christmas, but I h8 Commercialmas with a burning passion, down with Commercialmas
  • 05 Sun → a guy named Alex and I wandered into an emergency exit tunnel?? I thought we were trapped For Good, but we escaped and went to our respective cigarette and coffee breaks • spent the majority of my Sunday morning in the Youma game room playing arcade rhythm games w/o regret • ofc I wanted to eat lunch at (sal)sarita's but thought about how a burrito might not rest well with me, so instead, I opted for a salad • the night after I recognized her by her Fou bag, yesterday's Jeanne cosplayer recognized me by my bag, how the tables have turned • with so many weebs creating lighthearted conversation on the greyhound to Chicago, the cheerful commute almost reminded me of Bus 12
  • 04 Sat → it was dark (not cloudy) in Michigan at 8am, and for the first time ever, I felt apologetic for the verbal animosity I express against daylight savings time • today's setback: thinking "I shouldn't take pictures if I'm never gonna post them" is what held me back • actually created conversation with others during the LL! photoshoot? and later the Fate photoshoot?? this is a first for me, and I feel humbled • my itabag was voted as "audience fav" and I was awarded a Hello Kitty plushie • I'm in the game room, whassup? "there's a Margret dabbing" I'M ON MY WAY
  • 03 Fri → the overnight greyhound ride was intolerable, I felt like a 50 year old woman suffering menopause • waiting in line for a badge for 3 hours was, to say the least, an experience most unbearable • rng finally went in my favor and I got Penguin? from a sumikko gurashi blind box! • people-watching, trying to spot Ramses from BB19 (spoiler alert: we never found him) • nitpicked the contestants of Youma Idol based on lessons learned from my high school choir experience with Suzanne
  • 02 Thu → packing and choosing which clothes to wear took 3x longer than any other day • I forgot my earphones at home and I have a 3-day trip and bought a $7 pair at Walgreens out of desperation • bro's favorite thing (as of late) is hibiscus tea, and at the restaurant, I drank agua de jamaica • puddles; an unexpected nuisance when rolling luggage • suddenly I'm hypersensitive about my oral hygiene; clearly, this is a sign of adulthood
  • 01 Wed → after mowing the lawn, a guy cut across the lot asking me if I wanted to buy $5 banana bread for a recovery home for male substance abusers; well, this was a first • serendipitously met up with bro on the new east side; we wound up doing a PoGO raid together at the Sprint store on Randolph • in the year 2017, humans must reclaim the land, that is, to assert spacial dominance over the urban pigeon • late afternoon/early evening rain; it was an unexpected downpour, even Ma didn't expect the showers • when cooking, short grain rice holds the moisture better
nov 1 2017 ∞
dec 1 2017 +