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 microblogging at its finest  ✧

lisa SONGS
a ~ travel (current daydreams)
shug avery twenty 20 five. (five things.)

[all you need to do is write five things • it can be people's names, places, emotions, film titles, song titles, bands, anything that sums up your day • do this each day on your listography • copy and paste this so others know what this list is about]

  • 31 Tue → home alone on Halloween and I'm not feeling festive, whatsoever • WE DON'T HAVE HEAT IN OUR HOUSE. HELP. • tried my hand at odottemitta and yep, kinaesthetic abilities are not my forte • brb trick-or-treaters, gotta catch a Bayleef • tragic news story aside, the humanistic story played on the evening news, and Eric was on TV!
  • 30 Mon → Yoshi is 100% finished! had a small photoshoot with the (heavy) lil fella • bought $1 coffee from 7-Eleven and it was surprisingly good?? it might be my new favorite thing • the mother in front of us in line gave us all of her daughter's updates in the VIP experience • DA concert! it was a complete 2 hour show and a performance worth every minute • chatting with Courtney for the first time in a long time rounded off this enjoyable evening
  • 29 Sun → bro drove all the way to Titi Martha's • the photo from her birthday party cut off people on the ends, and so only the important people made the cut (texts Eric: guess what? you're important, and you made the photo cut!) • like Dad, Ma is basically old, accustomed to regularity, and is it too hard to ask to eat at the same restaurant chain /outside/ our neighborhood? • what's the motive behind of telling a person "what's up with you today" just respect that the person is in a mood and they'll get over it soon enough • "Finally got home, but bro's still in the car, listening to Kendrick Lamar"
  • 28 Sat → Ma drove bro's car all the way to LSQ, dropping me off at a coffee shop and him at his friend's new apartment • read more TATWD, feeling more motivated to read after talking with Monisa on Thursday • ACen volunteer fair; lots of thoughts about how I spend my time at conventions (and how I've lacked making connections/friendships with others) • rice, curry and a side salad at Mitsuwa • irl gacha at Kinokuniya, feat. Sumikko Gurashi: pulled Tonkatsu, and not Penguin? ...oh well
  • 27 Fri → reached Rank 300 in LLSIF; it's been a goal of mine for a long time... • I was spotted by a dog (update: the dog dropped its stick) (UPDATE UPDATE: the owner picked up the stick and carefully placed it back into the dog's mouth) • strawberry cream crepes from iHop • more work on the Yoshi plushie • killed time before boarding the train by visiting the panaderia
  • 26 Thu → I want to bail I want to bail I want to bail it's like an elevator ride about to crash • (super short) work session for the (hopefully soon-to-be completed) Yoshi plushie • Monisa: "that feeling? I call it Rainboot Syndrome" • my first Adult Social Party, and ofc it's a social for weebs • talking with Mariam about LLSIF made my already good night even better
  • 25 Wed → rushed via bike to my haircut appointment • boba tea first, then coffee in a thermos for the road • walked along the museum campus in the mid-afternoon, taking in the lakefront and view of the skyline • I know I outta listen to other music besides DA, but naaah • hey look, i did the fad of the week (dully note that this is the cat that looks the most like a dog) bebinator
  • 24 Tue → Ma told me to not let "a grumpy old man" get to me, but it's hard not let the little things get to me, y'know? • something big happened in JMAC, but honestly, I'd rather not hear about ongoing drama; I'm already disappointed in them, and I don't wanna get worked up/sad • there was a dog dressed as a mop for Halloween and it warmed my heart (edit: here's an article all about the dog!) • a (virtual) sit-down review with Eric, explaining to him how fb events work, or in his words, "I think this is when I drop out of social media" • how does (Rice Krispy's) Snap's tiny hat stay on his head? bro's conclusion: he has a peanut-shaped head
  • 23 Mon → my first filling in a different office; the usual office "Brush your teeth, but only the ones you want to keep" wall decal was instead a "Brush, floss and be happy" decal • "Sara Smile" played on the radio upon walking out of the dentist's office • back-to-back Croconaw PoGO raids • not a good evening • "I believe in you to do anything you really want to accomplish."
  • 22 Sun → tfw morning driving practice would've left me closer to my destination • mad props to him for sewing and pattern-making bc wow, I can't do that for a living • Eric immediately differentiated an old DA song from DA's latest music, I'm so proud of him • there's a swing!!! in the middle of Logan Boulevard!!! take it easy~ • enchiladas verde con pollo; a quality last meal
  • 21 Sat → next year: we'll leave SUPER early, eat at Blueberry Hill, and make our way to the farm at 9am, just Ma and me • pumpkin's first (car ride, car wash, pizza) • took in the breathtaking rural, autumn scenery; it looked like we were driving through a calendar • Ma told me that I would make a good driver, and amidst my insecurities, I greatly appreciated that compliment • celebrating Sweetest Day with macaroons and an episode of Fate/Apocrypha
  • 20 Fri → PoGO: caught Entei in one go, and best of all, at a stop dedicated to a dog statue • watched the moment the Apple store on the riverfront opened to the public • watched the sunset from the #1 Chicago tourist attraction • at the DD nearby Millennium park, there was a jogger(?) giving a homeless man a shopping spree of whatever he wanted to eat, and it was the most heartwarming sight • I wonder how long the harvest salad will be a thing at Portillo's
  • 19 Thu → feeling overwhelmed right off the bat: the "y'know she's waiting to hear from you" edition • "You did well in leadership. This is literally something you can't feel sad about. Feel glad that they're failing at this, but you were a part of a team that succeeded in it" mmm... thanks • started reading TATWD; bro should adopt the "only clear liquids in the car" policy • influenced Ma to join me in having leftovers for dinner • Ma picked up bro in his own car from work, and we drove to get tamales
  • 18 Wed → made an (attempt to) outreach to others on the SIF reddit • the "!!!!!! EVERYONE STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING !!!!!! look at my wife" post made me cringe • DD run for an iced latte (and an iced hot chocolate for bro) • caught the sunshine this time for the autumn bouquet~ • tacos, except I was in a really crappy mood throughout the cooking process
  • 17 Tue → morning photo session with the autumn bouquet, but I missed the afternoon opportunity • made pasta with broccoli! or should I say "broccoli with pasta" • FGO: "rate up is a lie" welcome to the gacha, Tamamo lovers, you'll find the salt on your left • LLSIF: yolo'd Taisho Roman Hanayo at the dinner table #blessed • "Having an anxiety disorder is like hearing the ingame battle music all the time but you can't see or find what caused it" except instead of ingame battle music, it's this sad, downbeat music
  • 16 Mon → morning bagel (pronounced: baggle) • an afternoon of good-hearted intentions (and little action) • I officially weigh 10 pounds lighter than I did before, huzzah • "I'm working with the old ladies tomorrow, I'm not old enough for them" but y'know bro, you'll be older tomorrow than you are today "and now I'm older than I was when we started about getting older!" • "You did it Sara? That sounds great! Tell me more, hence why I am trying to continue the conversation because it sounds like you managed to achieve something you wanted to do" >///<
  • 15 Sun → sat myself down, working over my bedside with foam, fabric, and jewelry wire; it's time to craft • "your friend's bag looks terrible" Ma Feels Me ;o; • bro drove his car?? all the way to Joann's?? and we didn't get into a crash?? • tbh it was inspirational to see him behind the wheel • wow, we both have daddy issues
  • 14 Sat → age 23: got my first darn cavity • let's just say that it was NOT a good morning WHATSOEVER but Ma bought home a bouquet of sunflowers because they reminded her of me • "heyy this heavy rain isn't so bad" I said to myself, moments before a bus zoomed by a puddle, splashing a tidal wave onto my everything • I want to eat at all the Noodles & Company restaurants • purposely (and successfully!) stayed off anime twitter all day
  • 13 Fri → I don't watch horror movies so (unlike my social media feeds) I could care less about the significance of Friday the 13th in October • super appreciative of Lou Malnati's pizza after knowing the history behind it! • used my $2 coupon at DD with only hours to spare before it expired (like a boss) • trying to get back into the swing of the photo processing process
  • 12 Thu → woke up completely discombobulated, why • who?? is viewing my fb photography page??? anxiety • broccoli is such an underrated vegetable • Dad, take advantage of the System, apply for ALL the senior discounts • Once Chance
  • 11 Wed → I've never seen bro freak out so fast over a videogame like PoGO, not so fast weeb • dad's one regret was never taking care of his teeth • overhearing dad's phone conversations; a reminder that the negotiation process is tough, but really worthwhile afterwards • ofc everyone's home early, so ofc they'd want dinner early, just my luck • Chicago's Best: Piece of the Pie special about deep dish pizzas
  • 10 Tue → there's a half AP campaign in FGO NA, so I played that a lot today :v • the top 100 anime (according to the internet) • surprise! she brought me a latte • i was in a good mood today, or as how I messaged my partner, ~no despair~ • Finding Your Roots feat. Dad telling me about his grandparents
  • 09 Mon → i totally forgot it was Indigenous People's day and not C.C. day, forgive me woke FB friendos • Dad organized his comic books, laying them out on the kitchen table • messaged a stranger on the internet while walking on the treadmill, I felt like a businesswoman • Ma's first day at the new location for the week • bullet journal youtube is so addicting
  • 08 Sun → went for a drive in bro's new car! now to never ride in it again • "did she just swear in that song??" welcome to music that's not played on the radio • Ma was in such a good mood today, i genuinely enjoyed grocery shopping with her • varnishing the shelf/coat rack • tio's sofrito for the arroz con gandules is almost gone; a solemn reminder that good food doesn't last forever
  • 07 SatAlmost Like Praying moved Ma to tears; she played it on repeat all morning • the key to clean floors? keeping clean drawers! tossed out a garbage bag worth of clothes; the thing about "cleaning my room" is that I'm sorting through 20 years' worth of belongings • harvest fruit salad and a pumpkin shake • I almost didn't go out to eat; if I stayed home, I would've missed the double rainbow that appeared after the afternoon storms • finally caught up on Fate/Apocrypha
  • 06 Fri → getting recognized? acknowledged? for somethign I did? I burst out in physical energy, and remain socially paralyzed • the apple crisp yogurt is my newfound favorite flavor • I have stumbled upon to the wonder that is Amaki Sally and I am a changed woman (more: ) • rainy evening, sat by the window at the cafe • only on a Friday would it take 20 minutes for the train to move from one station to the next; thank you, CTA, never change!
  • 05 Thu → harboring feelings of ill-will • David Archuleta?? has an upcoming concert??? in?? Chicago??? BOI • treadmill (the "release excess energy" ver.) • new Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal... the cereal is shaped like toast! • I'm on a roll with this online messaging thing
  • 04 Wed → Noam Chomsky has the words to explain these trying times • deeply appreciative of the local drive-thru (no matter how embarrassing it might be) • browsing forums, drafted out my own comment to post (but, of course, never posted it) • making dinner (late night ver.) • "tomorrow will be better"
  • 03 Tue → it rained on his parade. literally. it was raining while he pulled his new car into the garage • unbearably muggy afterwards • the comedy and storyline didn't peak; it was pretty basic, or perhaps my palette is too complex • an emotional commute back home • hung out at the park
  • 02 Mon → after waking up, I pieced together the overnight tragedy • bagels are a treat; they are a delicacy far too generous for breakfast • thoughts about "reliability" and "what can I offer" and "where do I go from here" • of course I can't message him saying "ah yes, I have been waiting for this~" but yeehaw I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS • lack of energy @ the dinner table
  • 01 Sun → grocery shopping happened today (instead of yesterday) • ma's been pressing me for information and it's getting uncomfortable • gotta draw the line between my personal values and taking things too personally • arroz con gandules (feat. tio's sofrito) • major cramps
oct 1 2017 ∞
nov 9 2017 +