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 microblogging at its finest  ✧

lisa SONGS
a ~ travel (current daydreams)
shug avery twenty 20 five. (five things.)

[an effort to include the good, the bad, and everything in between that I listen to during my spare time]

  • 12/24 - The Hilarious World of Depression ▸ The Holiday Coping Mechanism Spectacular
  • 12/19 - Backseat Rider ▸ #54: A Question About Men
  • 12/19 - Backseat Rider ▸ #53: Uncomfortably Numb
  • 12/18 - MBMBaM ▸ 363: Breathing in Space
  • 12/18 - MBMBaM ▸ 365: One Guy, One Guy and a Chicken Palace
  • 12/14 - MBMBaM ▸ 366: Sorry, Todd
  • 12/14 - MBMBaM ▸ 367: Shrimp! Heaven! Now!
  • 12/14 - Radiolab ▸ Match Made in Marrow
  • 12/14 - Radiolab ▸ Super Cool
  • 12/14 - Backseat Rider ▸ #52: Rituals
  • 12/14 - Backseat Rider ▸ #51: Injustice
  • 12/14 - Backseat Rider ▸ #50: Life-Changing Day
  • 12/14 - Backseat Rider ▸ #49: First Day Back
  • 12/13 - Dear Hank and John ▸ 117 - Lightsaber Your Tiny House
  • 12/13 - Dear Hank and John ▸ 116 - Do Not Enter the Craft Fort! (w/ Caitlin Hofmeister!)
  • 12/13 - MBMBaM ▸ 383: Fins Up
  • 12/13 - MBMBaM ▸ 382: The Craw Daddy
  • 12/12 - This American Life ▸ #682: Our Town
  • 12/03 - Radiolab ▸ Stereothreat
  • 12/03 - This American Life ▸ #84: Harold
  • 12/03 - This American Life ▸ #603: Once More, With Feeling
  • 12/03 - This American Life ▸ #631: So a Monkey and a Horse Walk Into a Bar
  • 12/02 - MBMBaM ▸ 368: The Sun Shines On Our Dark Planet!
  • 12/02 - MBMBaM ▸ 370: Dax Don't Care
  • 11/27 - Backseat Rider ▸ #48: Reachers & Settlers
  • 11/26 - MBMBaM ▸ 374: Respect the Journey
  • 11/26 - MBMBaM ▸ 375: Massage Drone Switcheroo
  • 11/22 - Dear Hank and John ▸ 115 - Semi-Immortal 35-Year-Olds on Mars
  • 11/22 - Dear Hank and John ▸ 114 - Confused About Batman
  • 11/22 - MBMBaM ▸ 378: Pumpkindaze 2017
  • 11/22 - MBMBaM ▸ 381: Face 2 Face: Griffin's Big, Brave Stunt
  • 11/22 - MBMBaM ▸ 380: Nuthead
  • 11/22 - MBMBaM ▸ 379: 6969 Cool Street
  • 11/09 - Dear Hank and John ▸ 113 - Aardvarks with Guns
  • 11/09 - Dear Hank and John ▸ 110 - One and Less Extra Bone
  • 11/09 - This American Life ▸ #513: 129 Cars
  • 11/09 - This American Life ▸ #630: Things I Need to Know
  • 11/06 - TED Radio Hour ▸ Failure Is An Option
  • 11/06 - This American Life ▸ #628: In the Shadow of the City 2017
  • 10/25 - Dear Hank and John ▸ 111 - Omagles All the Way Down
  • 10/25 - Dear Hank and John ▸ 109 - The Catastrophizing Kindergarten Teacher
  • 10/25 - Dear Hank and John ▸ 108 - We Would All Be Flounders
  • 10/23 - This American Life ▸ #629: Expect Delays
  • 10/19 - Backseat Rider ▸ #42: Sense of Accomplishment
  • 10/19 - Backseat Rider ▸ #41: Signs
  • 10/10 - Dear Hank and John ▸ 107 - skREvEL!
  • 10/10 - Dear Hank and John ▸ 106 - Cannibal Mermaids
  • 10/09 - Dear Hank and John ▸ 105 - Fancy Diving
  • 10/09 - Dear Hank and John ▸ 104 - Dove Quivering
  • 10/06 - This American Life ▸ #627: Suitable for Children
  • 10/04 - Radiolab ▸ American Football
  • 10/01 - Sunshine Sunday ▸ Episode 8
  • 09/15 - This American Life ▸ #597: One Last Thing Before I Go
  • 09/02 - Backseat Rider ▸ #40: Physical Altercations
  • 09/02 - Dear Hank and John ▸ 103 - There Are No Boxes (w/ Gabby Dunn!)
  • 08/30 - This American Life ▸ #622: Who You Gonna Call?
  • 08/27 - TED Radio Hour ▸ Rethinking School
  • 08/24 - Dear Hank and John ▸ 102 - The Friend Bucket
  • 08/24 - Dear Hank and John ▸ 101 - Knit Like a Mofo
  • 08/23 - The Moth ▸ Radio Hour: Doctors, Judgments, Dictators
  • 08/23 - The Moth ▸ Om Choudhary & Annabelle Gurwitch
  • 08/23 - Radiolab ▸ Truth Warriors
  • 08/23 - Radiolab ▸ Where the Sun Don't Shine
  • 08/20 - Conversations with People Who Hate Me ▸ Episode 2: Hate People Hate People
  • 08/20 - Conversations with People Who Hate Me ▸ Episode 1: You're a Piece of Sh*t
  • 08/17 - Pod Save the People ▸ Bonus Pod: Charlottesville
  • 08/17 - Pod Save the People ▸ The House We Live In
  • 08/17 - The Moth ▸ Robert Sherer & Ann Jankie
  • 08/17 - The Moth ▸ Radio Hour: Bible Salesmen, Ghosts, and Strippers
  • 08/17 - The Moth ▸ Radio Hour: Where We Belong
  • 08/16 - Dear Hank and John ▸ 100 - 100th Episode Extravaganza Spectacular!!!
  • 08/15 - Sunshine Sunday ▸ Episode 5: Love Live! Fashion and Cosplay
  • 08/15 - Backseat Rider ▸ #38: Songs
  • 08/15 - Backseat Rider ▸ #39: Trey, Reloaded
  • 08/14 - S-Town ▸ Chapter VII
  • 08/14 - S-Town ▸ Chapter VI
  • 08/14 - S-Town ▸ Chapter V
  • 08/04 - S-Town ▸ Chapter IV
  • 08/03 - S-Town ▸ Chapter III
  • 08/03 - S-Town ▸ Chapter II
  • 08/03 - S-Town ▸ Chapter I
  • 08/03 - Radiolab ▸ Revising the Fault Line
  • 08/02 - Radiolab ▸ The Ceremony
  • 08/02 - Radiolab ▸ Breaking News
  • 08/02 - This American Life ▸ #620: To Be Real
  • 07/28 - This American Life ▸ #109: Notes on Camp
  • 07/05 - Radiolab ▸ Null and Void
  • 07/05 - Note to Self ▸ We've Gained So Much With the iPhone. What Have We Lost?
  • 07/05 - Note to Self ▸ When Was the Last Time You Peed Without Your Phone?
  • 07/04 - The Anime Show with Joey & AkiDearest ▸ Ep.17 ALL the stories from Anime Expo in LA
  • 07/04 - Dear Hank and John ▸ 099 - A Fusing of the Hair
  • 06/28 - Backseat Rider ▸ #36: The Pops
  • 06/26 - Dear Hank and John ▸ 098 - An Army of Burrito Children (w/ Dodie Clark!)
  • 06/26 - Dear Hank and John ▸ 097 - Lemon Salty Whales
  • 06/15 - This American Life ▸ #246: My Pen Pal
  • 06/15 - The Anime Show with Joey & AkiDearest ▸ Ep.11 Youtuber Gigguk talks anime nostalgia with Joey and Aki
  • 06/15 - The Anime Show with Joey & AkiDearest ▸ Ep.10 Disagreeing on anime; good or just annoying?
  • 06/15 - Dear Hank and John ▸ 096 - Next Level Laziness
  • 06/15 - Backseat Rider ▸ #35: Brandy & Sir the Baptist
jun 14 2017 ∞
jan 10 2018 +