- Set goals
- Keep a plant alive
- Care for a baby
- Feel confident naked
- Interview for a job
- Bake a birthday cake
- Use a fire extinguisher
- Use a compass
- Express condolences
- Tell a joke
- Remember names
- Sharpen a knife
- Dump a poisonous friend
- Check your oil and tires
- Relax/Meditate
- Apologize
- Be polite
- Get a good night’s sleep
- Dress appropriately for the situation
- Type
- Fight fair
- Read
- Ask for exactly what you want
- Trap a rat or mouse
- Basic stretches and/or yoga poses
- Heimlich
- Please a partner sexually
- Tell your partner what you want in bed
- Shine your shoes
- Make your case in writing
- Tie a scarf or tie
- Jump a car
- Mix a signature drink
- Delegate
- Make a simple meal for company
- Give a neckrub
- Drive a stick
- Ride a bike
- Swim
- Use chopsticks
- Make a new friend
# Build something simple (ie: shelf, desk, treehouse) # Change a tire and put on snow chains # Give a toast
- Make a perfect egg
- Speak in public
- Improve your mood
# Simple mending
- Travel light
- Steam vegetables
- Negotiate
- Be a good listener
- Be alone comfortably
- Select good produce
- Maintain your weight
# Build savings
- Say no/disappoint someone
# Use a drill # Flexibility/equanimity in the face of the unexpected # Make small talk # Skip a rock
- Set personal boundaries
- Organize your home
- Deliver a eulogy
- Shuffle a deck of cards
- Dance socially
- Know a second language
- Win the affection of a dog or cat
- Write a quality love letter
- Play one card game well
- Eat healthfully
- Create a budget
- Take a decent photo
- Order the wine
- Know what makes you happy
- Flirt
- Make a good first impression
- Write a thank you note
- Find a perfect gift
- Assertiveness
- Arriving on time
- Make a little kid laugh
- Kiss well
- Make a good mix tape
- Tie basic knots
- Dress to flatter your shape
- Build a campfire
- Change the subject
- Acquire or shed a habit
- Treat a hangover
- Be a good judge of character
- Season a cast-iron skillet
- Give a compliment
- Accept a compliment
- Contribute in group situations
- Judge yourself by your own yardstick
- Calculate the tip
- Ask for a raise
- Build a shelter