KatjaVK's listography
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(Looking Forward...)
Finishing Burlesque show on Friday
Getting Darth Vader costume
Finished doing Burlesque shows in Texas
Packing to leave the state
Flying to Washington
Seeing Jonathan for 1st time in almost 7 months
Jonathan not being in Iraq
Going on dates
Getting plans finalized for Vegas trip
Plane ride to Las Vegas
Getting Married all cheesy ball style, just me and him
Staying at MGM Grand
seeing Cirqus De Solei show
Seeing Bodies exhibit
Seeing Tiger exhibit
Titanic artifacts exhibit
Zip lining through desert
Fancy date night
playing a slot machine
Flying back to Washington
Exploring Olympia/Tacoma
Looking for an apt/town home
Flying back to Texas
Packing up all my stuff
Bring him to Wild Sushi
Go to Pirahnahs with him again
Throw a 2nd prom party since we fucked up the 1st ones yrs ago
Going on trip to Austin
Going to Hamilton Pool
Bringing Jonathan to see the bats under Congress bridge
Drinking beer at the Parlor with Trevor/Martie
Seeing Trevor
Seeing Shaina
Floating the River
Going to Alamo Draft House
Eating good ass Austin food again
Take Jonathan on walk through SoCo neighborhood in ATX
Road trips
Moving stuff to Washington
Having Army dudes carry in my shit to the apt so I dont have to do it alone for the first time ever.
Decorating new place
Changing name
Getting new identification
Exploring Washington
Visiting Portland
Visiting Canada
Planning family and friends wedding number 2
meeting burlesque folks in Washington
Getting enrolled back in school
Finishing college
getting a degree
Trip to Philippines
Mona's wedding
Hanging out with Jonathan's family more
Moving the fuck away from all the crazies in TX
Getting into a routine
Cooking Jonathan elaborate dinners
Going on walks with Jonathan
Building another tiki bar
Not stress over how in the fuck im going to pay bills/rent for first time
Not having to talk on Skype anymore and have it crap out all the time
Be away from parents
Not being Pregnant or having kids
Not settling
Not having to live with shitty roommates
Not having to worry about my car getting broken in to
Not needing surgery of any kind
Not dying
Not being put on a back burner by the person im with
Not starving
Possibly living in Israel for a while
Leaving the country for the first time
Getting an amazing handsome husband
Never having to face problems alone again
Being more optimistic about living
Meeting new people
Making new friends
Not living in Tornado Alley anymore
Not living in Bible Belt anymore
Not sleeping alone anymore
Getting tattooed more
being able to multi task and talk to jonathan since it wont be via the internet anymore
Not having " What if" downer discussions cause we will actually be together again
not feeling depressed cause he isn't here
not having to worry anymore about him getting hurt over there
Having a legit career, stacking paper
Having an excellent future spouse
Cuddling, so much fucking cuddling
Not needing the use of an Air conditioner in the summer
learning to sew
Having someone have my back and vice versa
having a good strong dude who can open the jars when I cant with my weak muscles.
Being with someone who can pick me up and carry me and make me feel like im no heavier than a feather
Having a people watching partner
having someone I can watch Star Wars, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and Indiana Jones with who wont mind
Hosting get together and parties at home
nature walks
Being with someone who is as affectionate as I am
fixing the dent in my truck
Him turning his phone back on so I can call him anytime
jun 21 2010 ∞
dec 29 2010 +