• sohee HATES seunghan. wants him out. seunghan OBSESSED with sohee. wants to fuck him. sohee like Why am i feeling things
  • eunso fingering? sohee complaining a Lot about seunghan and eunseok getting kinda pissed and having to put him back in his place for being a brat. sohee cries and eunseok is so fond of him. but he still has to discipline him. maybe spanking.....
  • seungso starting to get along.... they just start hanging out. and sohee is so bad at keeping grudges and shit. wonbin like Errmmm didnt u hate him and sohee like what...oh right.. no hes chill and wonbin punches a wall
  • seungseok heat scene > sohee listening through the door and jerking off
  • sohee goes to hang out with wonbin after a while and wonbin is all over him, goes home and seunghan is so jealous after smelling Another Cat. starts trying to scent sohee and sohee is so embarrassed that they start wrestling. sohee gets hard
  • door scene after he and seunghan are roughhousing and sohee starts to literally leak. seunghan banging on the door begging and theyre both jerking off
  • sohee heat scene ... eunseok away on a business trip.
  • they end up mating...
jan 15 2024 ∞
mar 14 2024 +