• Sohee doing his absolute best to hate somebody whos actually really nice to him
  • Sohee being a BIIIIIIIITCHHHHHHHHHHH picking fights over shit like making the food too spicy whenever he cooks so seunghan cant eat (seunghan eats it anyways and dies because sohee made it for him) > stops doing chores forces them onto seunghan (thinks sohee is welcoming him as partof the household) > starts stealing seunghans clothes as Revenge (but seunghans like omg….. *is hard* r we in love now.)
  • Eunseok like jesus christ this cat is in love with my dog. *makes them lez out in his mind* > is like Sohee improud of you seunghan said youve been really welcoming over thesepast few weeks sohee like WHAT?
  • Seunghan is way too personable and kind and amenable. Also touchy asf he keeps rubbing himself on sohee (LOL) and sohees like This is kind of nice. GET OFF ME
  • Sohee kinda shit at keeping grudges hes like Nvm this cat is chill asf 👍
  • Registering govt names > Mistress of darkness sohee like wtf? Seunghan like Hehe<3333 like we’re married


  • Wonbin sohee hang out where wonbins like DIDNT YOU HATE HIM *punched a wall* *scents sohee* *sucks on him*
  • Seunghan aggressive scenting after sohee comes back
  • Sohee door scene NOT HEAT just leaking… dont get it twisted
  • Seungseok heat sex/sohee jerk off scene
  • Sohee extremely jealous bc hes got a thing for eunseok
  • eunseok introduces his new bf sungchan. sohee gets worse
  • Ends up ignoring seunghan out of jealousy (+super awks bc he moaned durin wrestling) and spending extra time mating eunseok hes got that dog anxiety shit
  • BRAT sohee 2.0 bc eunseok spoiled him terribly and made him unused to not getting what he wants or being his sole attention seeker
  • Eunseok and Sohee’s Sexually Charged Spanking Time. LET THEM DO HAND AND MOUTH STUFF!!!!! Seunghan watches and he tears up a little at how beautiful it is (hes hard)
  • eunseok goes on a business trip like. Two days later. Hes like to seunghan DONT YOU DARE HUMP SOHEE WHILE IM AWAY ;))))
  • Shit still kinda tense between seungso but they play (sexually charged) mario kart at least
  • Sohee goes into early heat while eunseoks gone bc of how crazy sexual hes been getting, only seunghan is left at home with him
  • Seunghan pervy adventure time deer fingers
  • They end up mating
jan 24 2024 ∞
mar 14 2024 +