• Falling in love fic... eunseok sees sungchans dick and really wants him and has a crisis over it and also a wet dream at age 22. sungchan uber romantic and keeps going on dates because he wants to find His Special Person... taylor swift you belong with me
  • just kidding btw eunseok gave up on sungchan ages ago. but now he wants him again
  • they start an agreement where eunseok helps sungchan improve his dickpic game in exchange for paying for his ubereats
  • sungchan keeps sending eunseok pics like Is this alright (hes flirting) and eunseok like Yeah keep em coming man (hes also flirting) until he eventually sends some back to sungchan
  • jerk off scene where they can hear each other through the wall.
  • actually they sext the very first time it happens and then sungchan takes him out to lunch
  • sungchan thinks theyre dating now btw
  • Eunseok and Sungchan Date scene
  • They go on so many dates. Sungchan lays it kinda thick that he wants eunseok but eunseoks a fucking idiot
  • eunseok going to seunghan for advice > how do you put up with it? being one sidedly in love with sohee? seunghan like Um firstly sungchan likes you a lot actually. Secondly me and sohee are married? we eloped? we posted a photo with the caption "ME AND HOMIE LINKED UP" eunseok like THATS YOUR WEDDING PHOTO seunghan like WE'RE IN TUXES?
  • eunseok tries to take home a guy to have sex with but cant go through with it bc hes so into sungchan and he ends up kicking them out
  • sungchan sees him and gets a little pissed even though they arent dating
  • eunseok like What do you care youve got your little gaggle of romantic interests and sungchan like I dumped them ages ago
  • SEX
  • profit
jan 9 2024 ∞
jan 23 2024 +