• people who write/say "that's whack." or "that's whacked." it's WACK. it's SLANG.
  • people who say they're ON LINE at the grocery store. or at the movies. or anywhere that they are standing IN a line. where is the fucking line that you're standing on??
  • confusing WORST with WORSE. one is a NOUN. the other is an ADJECTIVE. "i have it worst than you. the weather is worst than yesterday." STOP IT.
  • incorrect usage of the articles "a" and "an." you use "a" when the next word starts with a consonant. for example, a car. you use "an" when the next word starts with a vowel. for example, an excellent choice.
  • from Amanda: confusing there, their and they're. learn it, love it, live it.
  • improper use of quotation marks. "fresh" seafood!! "new" management!! it makes me think it's not really fresh OR new.
oct 29 2008 ∞
nov 17 2008 +