• because it's you 너라서"When I look at myself, I feel that I've changed so much, do you know?" Jinwoo, still reeling from his operation of removing the hanahaki disease, finds love in other places than the boy who couldn't love him back.
  • don't fear the reaper He was just your average reaper until a special case landed in his life. Now Jinwoo is trying to unravel the mystery that is Myungjun, the soul that keeps appearing over and over in his line of work. It was just a pondering until Myungjun's ties with Jinwoo's past come to light.
  • faerie courts series liar, liar: Having entered the Faerie world as a child, Jinwoo has kept his human side well hidden. Until one day at the High Court, Jinwoo becomes intertwined with palace mischief and catches the eye of the future king.
  • heavy weather When Dongmin confesses to him, Bin rejects him. He ends up regretting it.
  • middle school arm hickeys mj gets told about how middle school kids will give themselves hickeys on their arms to see how hard they would have to suck to get it to bruise and then pretend they had a bf/gf to hide the fact that they did it themselves and everything is a disaster but it's mostly just astro dragging each other and yelling tbh aka i wrote a chatroom style astro fic where they all talk like gay stan twitter
  • 별과 황금의 핀 Stars and Pins of Gold Bin had always loved the sea. He loved to watch waves crash against the shore... He could sit there and watch for hours.But in his happiness Bin had overlooked the slipperiness of the stone he was kneeling on. He stepped the wrong way and with a screech tumbled down a dark hole...
  • Classified Existence There is a world hidden beside our own. It's hard to see, and it's hard to understand, but the strongest of us are the ones who get to experience the classified existence of a world full of wonder.
    • House of Cards:Life seems simple. There are the right things to do, and then there are the wrong things to do. Jinwoo knows the difference between the two. However, one small slip up can make a person's life come tumbling down like a house of cards.
    • Wings 'n' Things:Finding out that there's a secret world surrounding the one you already know can be disorienting. Finding out that you're the reason for the start of a revolution in this secret world is something even harder to comprehend.
    • In the Company of a Kraken:Tip #47: Don't let Jinwoo teach magic. Tip #48: If Jinwoo does try to teach magic, be prepared for the unexpected, and be prepared to handle the aftermath.
  • feel it still When he'd met Jinwoo, the first thing he'd felt was dread. He knew he wanted this man.
  • to be with you Myungjun is nothing without Jinwoo.
  • commentary Moonbin has taken note of the comments Eunwoo is always reading on their V-lives. And now he's finally gotten the courage to ask about it.
  • the stars come out to smile Jinwoo's mom had frequently told him not to stare at the sun as a child. He always listened, but he decided she wouldn't know if he broke the rule today.
  • infatuation He's enthralled by Eunwoo's laughter, and he wonders when his love got away from him so fast. He needs to do something about this ever-present itch crawling under the surface of his skin that's been there ever since he met Eunwoo. He feels like he's crawling out of his skin, and since when did he become so infatuated with people, anyway?
  • day job Reporter Kim Myungjun knows a scoop when he sees one. This time though he might be blurring the line of interest in favor of winning over one Park Jinwoo.
  • magic users
    • ❗ /witchcraft  Witches are supposed to be bad omens - and then there's Park Jinwoo.
    • elementary There's probably a reason why most head detectives need a partner, especially when that partner is Junior Detective Moon Bin.
    • shifter Sanha knows he can't take on the world. Minhyuk decides to make him, anyway.
    • home A house was a structure, somewhere with four walls and a roof and furniture. A home was a feeling, an emotion. It was love and happiness and warmth. Myungjun had become Jinwoo's home.
    • small hands Myungjun’s small hands seemed so large today, as he carried with him the weight of Jinwoo’s return.
    • laundry day According to Jinwoo, it was a brand new method to actually wash clothes. According to Minhyuk, it was a stupid idea.
    • my only medicine is your love Jinwoo had been so comfortable with Myungjun, he forgot being sick was still a thing.
    • feels like home Myungjun whined, holding his dead sunflower close to him. “He never stood a chance against such an evil witch.”
    • im sorry (for being a moron) “Hyuk?” Sanha whispered when Myungjun had gone to work his magic for a new client. “Will we ever get into fights like Myungjun and Jinwoo?” Minhyuk peeked around at the closed back door, then gave Sanha's lips a small peck, “Well,” he murmured, “we're not morons, so no. We won't.”
    • surviving without park jinwoo: a guide by kim myungjun Author's Note by Kim Myungjun: There is no surviving without Park Jinwoo.
    • spontaneous Bin was being fun and spontaneous. Dongmin needed to find a way to be more fun and spontaneous.
    • the voice There were those moments, those dark, hideous moments, where Jinwoo felt an intense burst of self-doubt course through his veins.
  • i will give you my galaxy "And you’re actually a lot like the stars, you know? Stunning and beautiful but out of reach.”
  • sandman Myungjun wishes that it was as easy as counting sheep.("In a world that accepts fate or destiny or whatever you want to call having a soulmate, there are no coincidences or happy accidents. Take a leap of faith because it's bound to get you somewhere.")
  • stuck on you Kim Myungjun was actual sunshine and Park Jinwoo needed new sunglasses.
  • got a feeling about you
  • where the nice people live Moon Bin is nice, but Myungjun is nicer. Well, no he's not, but he's not about to let Jinwoo know that. (OR Sanha kind of, maybe, abducts a cat, and Myungjun crushes hard on its owner.)
  • call me yours Sanha might be cute, but Lee Dongmin is definitely cuter. (OR Sanha trips and falls straight into love.)
  • smitten with your kitten Moon Bin likes to think that he knows love when he sees it, but Park Minhyuk proves otherwise. (OR Bin is the last one to know despite the fact that he's usually the first.)
  • where soil lies, a new beginning blooms Myungjun knows that Jinwoo can't look after plants for his life, but things seem a little different today.
  • familiar Jinwoo and Myungjun take a short holiday to the beach.
  • In which, both men have a different definition for 'home'.
  • stay Sleeping in the same bed, clutched onto each other tightly, became a regular occurrence. However, this meant sneaking around also became a regular occurrence.
  • recovery Jinwoo noted the acceptance in Myungjun's expression, the love that shone in his eyes, the happiness he hadn't allowed himself just months before now displayed, fully and completely.
  • the year we met Park Jinwoo isn't a florist, but for now, he'll pretend to be - so he can win the heart of the insistently late customer, Kim Myungjun.
  • did you fall off mount olympus (because you have to be a god [did you fall off mount olympus (because you have to be a god When Myungjun takes his car to get the oil changed, his car is serviced by an extremely attractive mechanic. Myungjun is convinced he's not human.
  • wanna be your superhero
  • boo? there was a wall that separated kim myungjun from yoon sanha. there should have been a wall, then, that separated the living from the dead, but myungjun supposed he wasn't fortunate enough for that. he just has to deal with being haunted.
  • general kim general kim was bin's first love. prince myungjun was his second love. kim myungjun is his eternal love.
  • powered up Yoon Sanha's perfectly normal world is thrown on its head when a multi-dimensional portal opens up and spits out aliens. With newly discovered super healing, Sanha must cope with the death of his family and adjust to living with a house full of strangers at the same time. Will he be able to become a super hero, and join the ranks of the A Unit? Sanha isn't sure, but with some guidance, some new friends, and a lot of training, he may be able to help stop aliens from harming the rest of the world.
  • three in the morning Myungjun decides three in the morning is okay when he has to hide a cute guy behind his register for reasons unknown.
  • fluttering heart syndrome A fluttering heart was a sign of love, if Myungjun's dramas taught him anything, but that would mean he was in love with Park Jinwoo. And he was not in love with Park Jinwoo. So the dramas were lying and he must have a serious heart condition instead.
  • this doesn't happen often He's been dead. He's been dead twice, actually. But Myungjun was proud to be a special case when it came to Death.
  • overcast Kim Myungjun had no scars, making him both perfect and an abnormality.
  • my roommate is a serial killer Bin wants to know more about his new roommate, Minhyuk, but that's difficult when Minhyuk is a serial killer.
  • exercise is heart work Myungjun wanted abs and muscles and the chance to kill his friends - but more than all of that, he wanted Park Jinwoo.
  • out of this world
    • out of this world Park Jinwoo yelled at the stars, and the stars sent him a punishment. (Or, rather, the stars screwed up and sent him a reward.)
    • oh christmas tree it was a stupid christmas tree, but myungjun was attached.
  • shakespeared through the heart Minhyuk meets someone on a fire escape. Stranger things have happened.
  • WhO pUt YoU oN thE pLaneT Just some Astro texting fic CH.23
  • Heroes Among Us
    • Lotus Lotus, the one villain that keeps slipping through Astro's fingers. No matter what they did, Lotus seemed one step ahead of them - which was even more frustrating when Lotus was obviously a kid in a handmade sweatshirt and mask. When Lotus goes missing, Astro begins to piece together just who the so called villain is, and they realize just how wrong they were about their Nemesis.
    • Before Lotus... Before there was Lotus, before even Astro.How did the five members of the beloved superhero team Astro get their powers? Like they said, those gained from necessity are stronger... and harder to control. It's almost funny, how everything works out. Things happening at just the right moment, meeting people just when you need to... maybe it's fate?
  • Undercover Spirit Myungjun is an undercover 'agent' who with the help of his companion god, Rocky, 'takes care of' spirits. His newest assignment will see him back to high school. But could this assignment also lead him to love?
  • you are my sunshine jinwoo is a daffodil stuck in an eternal winter. he awaits the sunshine of spring to come and cause a rebirth in his life. could myungjun, the cute ramen shop owner, become his sunshine?
  • the love i never gave A complicated love story. Jinwoo and Myungjun are dating. Lately Jinwoo feels like Myungjun is flirting with others more than just a little and puts a lot of space between them. He's starting to think Myungjun is cheating,but he can't bring himself to say it...because Jinwoo still loves Myungjun. Minhyuk loves Jinwoo , but Jinwoo will only see him as a little brother and only sees Myungjun. Moonbin is Minhyuk's best friend and he can't stand seeing him being unhappy, yet he doesn't want to ruin their friendship by confessing. Sanha has a crush on Dongmin , Sanha knows full well that his love is unrequited because Dongmin is a straight man who only likes girls .
aug 1 2018 ∞
feb 3 2019 +