• what comes after Yukhei is, essentially, an Uber driver for the dead. He’s always thought becoming a reaper was the best option for him, but a beautiful boy pining for lost love may make him change his mind. (Or, Yukhei falls in love. Twice.)
  • starboy His chest is tight, and anger bubbles up inside of him again, and then Donghyuck glances up at him, and says, voice eerily melodic, “To die would be an awfully big adventure, don't you think, Mark Lee?” and the red fizzles out beneath his rib-cage like a soda gone flat. He feels old.
  • the court of ravens Johnny has been in love with Ten for the better part of three years, despite only being a hook up for Ten whenever he feels particularly lonely. Then one morning he wakes up to magical forests and dragons, his roommate’s suddenly grown wings, and everyone is calling him a king. As he falls deeper into the complexities of the court, he finds himself inexplicably drawn to this strange new version of Ten. There is a fine line between reality and dream, and Johnny doesn’t know where he stands anymore. (Or, Johnny goes to sleep pining after his best friend and wakes up about to get married to him- and oh yeah, there are dragons.)
  • we drown in the tempest A pirate's calling is to sail across terrifying waves and face nautical horrors to attain that precious golden bounty. Enemy pirate captains Scarlet and Titan, truly named Taeyong and Youngho respectively, are tired of gold, however. They seek the Onyx Ring, owned by the prince of the merfolk, Ten, for reasons of their own. The ring was said to give the wearer immortality and endless power, but how exactly will they acquire it when the bored Prince Ten lives in the bottom of the most treacherous seas and absolutely detests humans, especially pirates?
  • A Long-Ass Night Mark, while writing his journal, tries to figure out his feelings for Donghyuck once and for all, because honestly, Yukhei has no business calling Donghyuck his, regardless of context.
  • a little extraordinary it's not exactly normal to have a strange boy climbing through your bedroom window in the dead of night. it's even more unusual to have this become a regular occurrence. mark tries his best to take it all in his stride but it all get's decidedly difficult when a growing crush and a murky backstory keep trying to trip him up.
  • good grief They reunite in a graveyard.
  • sunny afternoon mark didn't mind summer, he really, really didn't. in fact it might even be one of his favorite seasons, but working his summer away in an ice cream parlour wasn't really his definition of a good time. that is until one day a boy, who glowed like the summer sun, stumbled into the shop.
  • practice & theory Doyoung considers himself a moral person, he really does. He’d die before he’d say anything to anyone that a patient has told him in confidence, something that could trace back to them, or any details of a session. No exceptions, no slip-ups, no compromises. But sometimes the rest makes him feel like he’s going to explode.
  • sunsoaked Delicate. The word that Mark was looking for, to describe Donghyuck’s expression. It was delicate. And it was all he had been able to think about. He was all Mark had been able to think about.
  • to be young and in love "You're disgusting. Stay away, you dick," he mumbles, cheeks heating up. Donghyuck puts his hand on Mark's thigh and leans closer. "I love it when you're mean to me," Donghyuck laughs but Mark can't really concentrate on that. The other is so close he could count his lashes and the imperfections on his skin, so close the scent of cigarettes and his cologne is almost insuperable. Or the one where Donghyuck is a bad boy and Mark just won't stop blushing.
  • sim sala bim you a bit dim? genies' characteristics include: - track suits - gold braces - separate stomach for ice cream probably - lee donghyuck
  • blue boy Typical high school AU where the NCT kids are sad and gay. Mark is sad and catching feelings. So is the rest of NCT. Let's see how it all goes.
  • beneath the moon and under the sun Donghyuck has a crush on his roommate. Who is a vampire. And most certainly doesn't like him back. (Maybe).
  • to dusk, to dawn Jeno chases Renjun across the lifetimes.
  • you, in my arms Mark wasn't expecting to be thrown a curve ball at the start of his senior year of high school--his private, mundane, Christian boarding school. Even more unexpected was that it would come in the shape of a flashy, quick-witted, bronzed teenage boy. Just like everyone else, they start off as strangers, quickly becoming friends after meeting and...staying friends. Mark didn't really anticipate anything past that. But somewhere between the stolen glances and sneaking out past curfew, the shared smiles and laughing so hard his sides feel about ready to burst, the gentle touches and carding fingers through fading, fiery hair on his lap. Somewhere between these precious, everyday moments, Mark finds himself falling in love with Lee Donghyuck.
  • when the lights come on A quick list of things Park Jisung knew about vampires: 1) They happen to be very short 2) They're freezing all the time 3) Nine times out of ten, if they're leaning in then it's to kiss you (and eleven times out of ten you should definitely kiss back) (a.k.a the chensung vamp-au we all needed)
  • magnolia When Jeno had read Romeo and Juliet in ninth grade, he’d written it off as ‘the dumbest fucking love story ever written’. Unfortunately, that hadn’t met the word count and he’d gotten the first F of his educational career. Love at first sight was stupid—more importantly, it didn’t even exist. You couldn’t just meet someone’s eyes over the sardine cans at the grocery and see all your shared future memories reflected back at you. At best, you’d see the canned fruit stacked up behind you. Right now, though, he thought maybe he’d had it all wrong.
  • took off the angel's halo (placed a crown on my heartMark is Donghyuck's. But Donghyuck isn't Mark's. Mark wakes up on the beach again, the familiar feeling of despair fresh and heavy in his heart.
  • my boyfriend’s a ghoul jaemin always told donghyuck his strange interest in ghouls would get him killed one day. but he never told him he’d get a cute, awkward boyfriend out of it.
  • silent man Detective Johnny Seo is called to investigate a murder in a small town called Silent Man. He quickly learns that there is no one you can trust in a small town. Jeno's ex girlfriend Yerim was found dead in Paradise River. Chenle is convinced her death is connected to a local legend. No adult wants to pay them any attention, but if they don't do something, the next body could be one of theirs.
  • california kids jisung, the biggest drug dealer in town's little brother, falls in love with the boy who plays Weezer on his ukulele outside the ice cream shop.
  • Can I Be Your Boyfriend, Can I? +1-778-472-9xxx: Taeyong Taeyong Hello? Lee Taeyong answer me Mom wants to know when ur visiting Taeyong? I know u see my texts It says seen on the bottom TAEYONG +82-xx-666-4xx:Hate to break it to you bud but I’m not this “Lee Taeyong” you're looking for Or Donghyuck gets a text from a stranger, Mark is in denial, and Donghyuck gets bad love advice that may or may not work


aug 1 2018 ∞
nov 14 2018 +