• real gays of seventeen

[https://archiveofourown.org/series/869103] walmart vs chanel: maybelline: the disrespect in this chat is amazing maybelline: im just so shocked right now maybelline: i need some time I'll be back later after i pull myself together reginaboo: what the hell just happened dab8: what's the name of this drama mingew: get out rapgodchoi started a live video:rapgodchoi @kwanbooboo expose me all you want boo, but i have more dirt on you than you realize wannawoo wow seungkwan you look great kwanbooboo GG;DF;F;F''SLMKLG kwanbooboo YOU'RE PLAYING DIRTY CHOI rapgodchoi @kwanbooboo ;)

  • over and over againSoonyoung has the easiest time finding his soulmate - running into him in the hallway at age nine kind of speeds things along. Nothing after that, though, is anywhere near as simple.
  • you must have been very far Junhui isn’t nearly as drunk as his friends; unfortunately, they’re the ones selecting his punishment for having lost miserably at this party game. “Kiss someone,” Seokmin slurrily suggests. “Hook up with someone!” Jeonghan corrects. “With Minghao!”
  • meet you after time passes (His father ruffles his hair, pretends to tug a little at his wrist. “I’ll tell you more about the red string when you’re older, okay? Just know that it’s connected to someone who will be very, very important to you.” Minghao says a quiet “thanks” before walking out of the kitchen and into the living room. His parents are never wrong; at least, this is what he believes at this age. But when he looks down, he knows his father can’t possibly be right. There’s no red string. Instead, what he has is a thick band of white maybe two or three feet long, the side of it a little unnatural, like it’s been cut or ripped. A scrap of fabric with a diamond edge. It flutters when he walks, trails after him, tethered to nothing and leading off to empty space.) [In a world where everyone has a soulmate, Minghao is the odd one out. It’s not like it matters, though, not when he’s got an enigma around his wrist, a crazy set of friends, and dreams of a purple-haired spirit that Minghao feels like he knows despite the fact Minghao’s never even seen him before.]
  • blueberries Junhui picks up the pillow and inhales. He realises that he is breathing in the scent of fresh blueberries; sweet and tangy and suitable for a person like him. A person like Minghao. Minghao, Minghao, Minghao. The name is bouncing through his head, exploring every corner of his mind, infiltrating his brain.
  • my future yesterday "If there’s two earths It could be a different me too"
  • catch the stars When Mingyu’s doctor advices him to take a break from everything due to his insomnia, he defers the next semester at university and packs his things to visit his grandmother in a small village far away from the rush of the city. Once there, he meets Wonwoo, and quickly realizes that sleepless nights are going to be the least of his problems.
  • between the shadow and the soul There are no fairytales left in the citadel. Every story worth telling — even the ones about love — begins and ends with monsters. Kim Mingyu knows this, in his bones and in his blood. Life is too cruel, and too monstrous to be made beautiful in the telling. Especially when your story begins with Jeon Wonwoo.
  • hands down (like you mean it5 scenes from a life they could have lived. (Harry Potter/Hogwarts AU)
  • daydream look in your eyes "Midnight strolls are supposed to be romantic," says Soonyoung. "With who?" Wonwoo looks him up and down, and then smirks. "Your cat?"
  • cut to the feeling Seeing and knowing the future isn't all it's cracked up to be, especially when it doesn't feel like it has a shot in hell of ever happening. Just ask Soonyoung.
  • you make me feel good, i like it The long-term side effects of time travel are things Wonwoo has to learn the hard way the older he gets.
  • put the blame on the chemistry “I can’t believe you two are pimping Soonyoung-hyung out for free food and coffee,” Chan splutters. “They serve really good cupcakes too, but the cookies are the best,” says Seokmin. He picks up one of the cranberry and white chocolate cookies from the paper bag, then hands it to Chan. “Here, try one.” “Pimping,” Chan despairs. “For free—" Seungkwan shoves the biscuit into his mouth, his palm an effective shield against Chan’s attempts at biting and any lingering crumbs or drool in the interim. Seokmin, for his part, smushes Chan’s cheeks together and watches him chew with rapt attention. “… and how many of this stuff do you guys get again when you’re with Soonyoung-hyung?” Chan hedges, after a beat. CH.2
  • feels so good but hurts so bad (troublemaker It starts with the nesting.
  • we're nowhere near perfect Of course Minghao knew Soonyoung didn’t owe him anything. Just because they were soulmates didn’t mean they had to be together in a long-term monogamous relationship. Minghao knew this because plenty of people were just friends with their soulmate, claiming that the romantic spark was never found and they are content to just live together platonically. Minghao knew this, but it still hurt.
  • without you the time flows the way my heart ticks Soonyoung thinks Jihoon is an alien and well, Jihoon just wants to avoid him at all costs. But what if Jihoon is fated to save him?
  • local haunts Soonyoung is not into ghosts, ghouls, vampires, werewolves, banshees, zombies, witches, creepy clowns, mad scientists, murderous mental patients, mutated spiders, loud noises, long moans, and staying out past midnight. However, he is into Minghao.
  • A SUPERVILLAIN'S GUIDE TO FULL TIME HEROINGRenowned supervillain, Dino, joins a superhero team for his dying uncle. The problem? They've been his mortal enemies for as long as he could remember.
  • the lost prince Seven Princes, four territories, three districts, two urban legends and one crown. When the Crowned Prince Choi Seungcheol goes missing, everything goes amiss. Xu Minghao is to be knighted during this turbulent time. Ready to serve the Prince of the Eastern Territories, Minghao finds out that one's 命运 (fate) doesn't always go as planned.
  • Thin Fire Racing Under Skin Soonyoung always wants to room with Jeonghan whenever the group goes overseas. There's something he just isn't getting. Seungkwan and Seokmin try to set things in motion involving someone who does want to room with Soonyoung: Chan. A series of moments before the Ideal Cut Asia Tour.
  • you'll be mine & i'll be yours It takes Kwon Soonyoung nearly 20 years to realize he's been in love with Lee Chan for almost his entire life. // Or, an au where Chan and Soonyoung are childhood friends who live across from each other. Chan chases Soonyoung relentlessly and, in return, Soonyoung does his absolute best to deter him, until he thinks that maybe it's time to let Chan catch up. // CH.3
  • maybe a bit of magic will do The first time Soonyoung meets Chan, the younger had his hair facing in different directions, looking like a hurricane just passed by his scalp and left it on purpose. Chan’s face was dusted with what seemed like dirt and chalk but his eyes were bright, brighter than any stars Soonyoung has ever seen.
  • The Legend of Lilili Yabbay Every month, the night before full moon, Soonyoung reads a story to Chan. The old myth has twelve chapters, one for each month, and every child in Korea knows it. But how does the legend of the twelve brothers connect to Seventeen, and to Chan's own life? CH.4
aug 5 2018 ∞
feb 17 2019 +