★ If you decide to talk to me, please understand that I'm extremely nervous and distant and may not even respond at all. I do enjoy having a few close friends, but I really just piggy back off of my partners friends and am not social at all outside of maybe chatting with customers in streams, etc.

★ That's not to say don't talk to me! Just please don't think I hate you or something if I don't reciprocate.

(get ready, I'm about to grow some balls)

On the other hand, absolutely FUCK OFF if you -

★ Are racist, trans/homophobic, TERF, Truscum etc.

★ Are a trump supporter

★ Think it's okay to use the "r" slur or any transmysoginistic bs (h*rm, t*ap, etc.) like literally I hate you

★ Take part in / are an apologist for any degree of zoophilia, incest, non-con, cp, etc.

nov 25 2017 ∞
feb 5 2019 +