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IGot7 and TripleS Trash. Fangirl. Bookworm. Full Time KPop and Marvel Cinematic Universe Fan.

GOT7 pairings:


Fics with an "&" are ones that I really liked.

listography TERMS

Summary: From the "worst friends ever" series: Jackson Wang starts reading fan fictions.

Pairing: Markson

Lenght: Oneshot

Status: Completed


Summary: For some odd reason, Jackson gets de-aged for ten days.

Pairing: Markson

Lenght: Oneshot

Status: Completed


Summary: Mark feels the feels and Jackson is the target. Results are steamy.

Pairing: Markson

Lenght: Oneshot

Status: Completed


Summary: Jackson chooses fencing over music, and wonders if he'd made the right choice when he meets Mark Tuan.

Pairing: Markson

Lenght: Oneshot

Status: Finished


Summary: What is the definition of love? The answer is Jackson and Mark.

Pairing: Markson

Lenght: Oneshot

Status: Completed


Summary: Has no one ever told Mark that you're not supposed to just kiss your best friend on the lips? If so, Mark obviously doesn't care, and Jackson... well, Jackson is confused.

Pairing: Markson

Lenght: Oneshot

Status: Completed


Summary: _Mark really does think that the confessions they are helping certain students make are adorable. But he never expected to get one himself.

Pairing: Markson

Lenght: Oneshot

Status: Completed


Summary: When Jackson confessed to the rest of their AmeriThaiKong trio that he was crushing hard on one of their best friends, Bambam came up with a plan to make said friend jealous. Mark thought it was brilliant (and hilarious). Jackson wanted to hug them both. With a straightjacket.

Pairing: Markson

Lenght: Oneshot

Status: Completed


Summary: One moment he’s wandering around the basement of the castle, stumbling upon a spinning wheel, and the next thing he knows he’s waking up to the sight of cold glass panels, blindingly white light and strange tubes all around and in him.

Pairing: Markson

Lenght: Oneshot

Status: Completed


Summary: Jackson had accepted his fate as Tommy’s punching bag as soon as the bullying began. What he never expected was for someone, especially a someone like Mark, to step in.

Pairing: Markson

Lenght: Oneshot

Status: Completed


Summary: Mark wakes up on his eighteenth birthday with black lettering across his chest in a pleasant script. It takes him a while to make out the word, extravagantly written with an unnecessary amount of swoops and curls.

It curves beneath his collar bone, just low enough to be almost completely covered by most of his tops, just the points of the spirals that form each letter poking out from underneath the fabric. Some of his lower cut shirts show off the word fully, but he doesn’t wear them much after it appears.

The day it happens, he ignores the stream of birthday wishes and curious questions about his marking (and the puns some of his friends make with the word) in favor of standing in the bathroom, tracing his finger over the patterned lettering for hours until he finally realizes. At the very base, if you remove all the ridiculous décor from each letter, it spells WANG.

Pairing: Markson

Lenght: Oneshot

Status: Completed


Summary: Everyone realizes how comfy Mark is to use as a pillow, and then they fight over who gets to rest on him when they all get together to relax. Mark resists at first, but resigns himself to being the GOT7 pillow, secretly enjoying the cuddles.

Pairing: Markson

Lenght: 8 chapters

Status: Completed


Summary: Performing arts students. This is a particular group of people who should not be allowed to throw Christmas parties. Mark doesn't even know why he agreed to come here. Besides watching Jinyoung flirt with the hot musical theatre major, he didn't really expect any of his kind of entertainment coming from this party.

Boy was he wrong.

Now he's stuck with a sharp pain in his hips and wondering why the hell he ever took egg nog from that dark haired kid.

Where Mark is a sassy, awkward kid and Jackson just wants to see him enjoying himself.

Pairing: Markson

Lenght: Oneshot + Epilogue

Status: Completed


Summary: Jackson is faced with a problem. And he doesn't know how to deal with it. So he avoids it, or at least tries.

Pairing: Markson

Lenght: Oneshot

Status: Completed


Summary: No words in any language could ever accurately describe how Mark felt about Jackson, especially during moments like this. The younger never failed to surprise him in the best ways possible. He’d always shown an interest in kids before, always wanting to make them laugh and smile. It was personable Jackson looking for an audience.

This time, though, he was calm. His smile radiated joy.

Pairing: Markson

Lenght: Oneshot

Status: Completed


Summary: Who knew being away for just a few days could be so torturous? Mark couldn't stop thinking about the boy they had to leave behind this time. He texted as often as he could, checking to make sure Jackson was resting and taking his medicine and eating something, even if he didn't feel like it. But when their plane finally landed back in Seoul, Mark felt the sudden urge to call the other. He just wanted to hear Jackson's voice again.

Pairing: Markson

Lenght: Oneshot

Status: Completed


Summary: Jackson mentioned it during a particularly cliché endeavor, one in which both he and Mark were drunk—more so he than Mark. Jackson had always been the type of guy that had a lot to say and one could never really be sure what was going to come out of his mouth next, which Mark knew from experience. It was safe to say, however, that no amount of experience could have prepared him for this.

Pairing: Markson

Lenght: ?

Status: Ongoing


Summary: Two men stupidly in love negotiate the space that encompasses them and not talk about it. Or at least not talk about it in the scientific way because they are in love and stupid.

Pairing: Markson

Lenght: Oneshot

Status: Completed


Summary: Mark goes through a rough break up and Jackson, as always, is there.

Pairing: Markson

Lenght: Oneshot

Status: Completed


Summary: Mark liked attention just as much if not more than the next person. The difference was; the length of which he was willing to go for said attention was probably considered far beyond that of the average ‘next person’... but as far as he's already gone, that doesn't mean he wouldn't go further; he's just never felt like he needed to... until now.

Pairing: Markson

Lenght: Oneshot

Status: Completed


Summary: Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away, lived a beautiful and kind prince named Mark, who never laughed after his mother's loss anymore, until he met a brightly smiling apprentice of a glassblower, Jackson.

Prince AU, inspired by the Russian fairy tale “The Princess Who Never Smiled”.

Pairing: Markson

Lenght: 7 chapters

Status: Completed


Summary: _Jackson has always wanted to know what it's like to be an average high school student, and Mark has been an average high school student for four years, so they're kind of a perfect match.__

Pairing: Markson

Lenght: Oneshot

Status: Completed


Summary: Mark and Jackson rule the senior class. Everyone knew who they were, everyone liked them, and everyone knew they had been best friends for the longest time. They were inseparable. Jackson and Mark. Mark and Jackson. Two of the most popular people in school. But sometimes friendship gets complicated. Sometimes things change.

Pairing: Markson

Lenght: 13 chapters

Status: Completed


Summary: _Jackson and Mark grew up together, but at 17 Mark makes a mistake that changes everything. Mark, now an idol, buries himself in work, trying to change himself in every way possible. But no matter what he does, he will never stop loving Jackson.

And Jackson will never stop loving him._

Pairing: Markson

Lenght: ?

Status: Ongoing


Summary: Mark only went to Jinyoung's stupid club because he's a good best friend. But he soon finds himself entangled with the king of the club, Jackson, and Mark's not too sure he really minds anymore.

Pairing: Markson

Lenght: ?

Status: Ongoing


Summary: “Did you two get in a fight?” BamBam asked after seeing the way they reacted, how it was icy cold one it was call “Cut!”

“No,” Jackson shrugged. “We’re not that close to get in a fight.”

The Thai boy was clearly confused, because as everyone else, he thought Mark and Jackson were the closest two. Evidently, it wasn’t like that.

After BamBam, the same question was asked by Youngjae, and Yugyeom, Jinyoung and Jaebum. The answer was always the same: “We are not close.”

Pairing: Markson

Lenght: ?

Status: Ongoing


Summary: Mark watches with a torn heart at the boy who cries, yet again, the loss of another loved one. His normally open, warm, kind and friendly features twisting in one of sheer despair and sorrow, with tears streaking his anguish-flushed cheeks and soft but completely broken whimpers escaping his lips. All what Mark wants to do is touching the boy, comforting him as he pulls him closer in an embrace that will give the boy back the warmth he so much needs

Pairing: Markson

Lenght: Oneshot

Status: Completed


Summary: “It only really feels like I’m back home when you greet me,” Jackson comments. “You’re the best at welcoming people.”

Mark smiles as his heart stirs. Sometimes he wonders if Jackson feels the same way. There are days he thinks so, then there are others when he is sure that’s not the case and he’s reading too much into it. But he never dwells on that too much, because why even trying? It’s too complex. Too painful.

Pairing: Markson

Lenght: 7 Chapters

Status: Completed


Summary: One happy couple, two single parents and kids running around. Watch how two people get confused with each other and stumble towards something that can be their happily ever after. Read their own notes on how life is treating them.

Markson as the main couple, JJP on the side. Maybe something else too..

Pairing: Markson/JJP

Lenght: ?

Status: Ongoing


Summary: Everyone is born without the ability to see color. You only develop the ability to see them when you find your perfect match. Once you find them, the spectrum and intensity of the colors you see grows as you become more attached to the other person. The bad news is that when that person dies, so does your ability to see world's color.

For as long Mark can remember, he's thought the whole soulmates deal was a rip off. When he turns 22 and still hasn't seen a single spec of color, he starts to accept the inevitable fact that he'll either never find his match or they're already dead. Or maybe they never even existed.

But when he accidentally falls into Jackson at the airport, his entire world changes. He only had to travel to the other end of the globe to understand what love really was.

Pairing: Markson

Lenght: ?

Status: Ongoing


Summary: We all know how things turned out when Mark Tuan and Jackson Wang pursued lives as JYP trainees, but what would have happened if they never entered the K-Pop world? Three years after participating in his first-ever Olympics, Jackson is balancing the life of professional international athlete and the class load of a typical junior at Stanford.

When his roommate of three years invites him down to Los Angeles for a few weeks during summer vacation, Jackson can't turn up the opportunity. He thinks it's going to be a calm, rather uneventful change of scenery. But a shy boy with an interest in things no one's ever asked about suddenly makes his entire world turn upside down.

Pairing: Markson

Lenght: ?

Status: Ongoing


Summary: Mark decided it was time someone else besides Jackson showed off their body during a concert. Little did he know that his choices would have such unexpected (and steamy) consequences.

Pairing: Markson

Lenght: Oneshot

Status: Completed


Summary: In which Jackson has had enough of Mark pushing him too far every time gets so close, every time it looks like an almost kiss. Every time.

Pairing: Markson

Lenght: Oneshot

Status: Completed


Summary: sometimes, mark thinks, it's just easier to stay quiet.

(or, the one where jackson is oblivious and everyone is magic)

Pairing: Markson

Lenght: 4 chapters

Status: Completed


Summary: 5+1 fic. alternatively titled: 5 times the members of got7 knew that jackson and mark had fallen for each other, and the 1 time jackson realizes himself.

Pairing: Markson

Lenght: Oneshot

Status: Completed


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Summary: _ _


Lenght: Oneshot

Status: Completed


  • Title: []

Summary: _ _


Lenght: Oneshot

Status: Completed


  • Title: []

Summary: _ _


Lenght: Oneshot

Status: Completed


mar 12 2016 ∞
aug 16 2016 +