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hi i'm comic! i hosted around 2015! i use ve/ze and sometimes she! (we're not really sure if 'she' is an internal-only 'noun or what...)

  • late teens (a bit indeterminate, 15ish at the youngest)
  • i'm powered by nostalgia LOL i have lots of positive triggers!
  • i love animal crossing (NH, NL, WW), pastels, pixielocks, nintendo, neopets, vocaloid, lifestyle youtubers sometimes! i like figure collecting and decorating :)
  • potentially some sort of protector or caretaker. i sometimes come around when we really need a break or some self-care on the axes of hygiene, tending to our surroundings, some distractions or recreation/relaxation, just a general refresh!

i am around a lot and have a much more stable sense of identity than some other parts. i'm also pretty aware of stellium as a system!

i came back (? with some awareness lol) in pretty recent years (~2022 summer maybe?)

edit 5.16.24

I share a lot of interests with Kat (we both like anime, vocaloid, etc and were active in similar timeframes during our teens, though she runs younger). We like a lot of the same music and shows, but it's not completely the same. she likes my playlist!!

apr 15 2024 ∞
may 17 2024 +