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As most peiple do, Here's a mood %. I'm always open to talk, but sometimes I might take longer tO respond. If I have a lower %, things that may help are tags as most of my kins, talking about canonmates, and just being validated

  • [100-90] - Hype asf, pretty good feels, Probably in a Pidge or Emaline shift
  • [90-80] - Feeling good, though not amazing
  • [80-70] - Usually how I feel, feeling pretty meh. Not much to do
  • [70-60] - big oof, pretty blah and super apathetic, send memes
  • [60-50] - True neutral, probably in a Jughead shift
  • [50-40] - send memes and tags, most likely need some validation, soft mood drops often happen
  • [40-30] - Super invalid, tags as IDs and shit, or just fuckin saying nice things and making me feel valid as a girl help wonders
  • [30-20] - Slurping some of the depression juice, anything from above but literally any of my kins will help
  • [20-10-0] - Fuckin help, please
mar 27 2018 ∞
apr 1 2018 +