
  • walking into my cubicle unannounced and just starting to talk, especially when you don't even address me so that I have no idea you're even talking to me
  • standing right outside my cubicle and having a long, loud conversation with someone as though there was no one sitting right there trying to work
  • touching/using stuff on my desk
  • leaving the break room door open even though there's a sign saying to keep it closed
  • commenting on what I'm eating
  • not keeping your calendar up-to-date so that when I schedule something in a time slot that looks open, you come back and say you're not available
  • telling someone that you are setting up a meeting and then just forwarding the request to me so that the person you said that to thinks that you are doing everything and I am invisible
  • talking about my position like it's easy or less important than yours because it's not as technical or labor-intensive
  • slowing down and staring at whatever's on my monitor as you walk by my desk
  • telling me to do something that doesn't make sense, and then throwing me under the bus when it goes wrong
  • telling me to set up a meeting but not giving me enough information, and not responding when I try to ask for that information
  • responding to emails on my behalf, especially to volunteer me for something without asking me first
  • second-guessing things that I say or do, and going over my head by asking a manager if what I said was right
  • asking me questions about emails that get sent out (sometimes from me, sometimes not) when the answers to those questions are in the email
  • drawing attention to the fact that I am younger than everyone else, in a belittling or patronizing way
  • sending me an email and then calling me immediately afterward, to tell me exactly what you said in the email
  • smoking right outside the door instead of at the designated smoking area (also dropping your cigarette on the ground right in front of the door instead of in the ashtrays), so people have to walk through secondhand smoke to get in or out of the building
  • ignoring emails I send you (sometimes several emails) trying to get information, but then sending me new emails with completely unrelated information, usually more tasks
  • sending out a meeting request with something like "Location TBD" but never actually asking me to find a location, just expecting me to see it and automatically do it
  • walking in and sitting on my desk anytime you have to tell me something that will take longer than a few seconds


  • leaving rolled-up socks in the hamper
  • leaving closed containers in the sink for days so that when you open them they smell horrible and/or have things growing in them
  • leaving a mess for me to clean up and then complaining because I don't clean it up and it just gets worse
  • adjusting the thermostat without telling me, much less asking me
  • putting things in a place that makes no sense just to get them out of the way


  • sitting in the middle of an intersection to make a left turn so that when the light turns red you have no other choice but to turn even if it holds everyone else up
  • having plenty of notice that your lane is ending but still going all the way to the end and then trying to muscle into the next lane
  • not following signs like "Do Not Stop on Tracks" or "No Turn on Red"
  • pulling so far forward at a traffic light that your car doesn't trip the sensor that tells the light to change
  • not using turn signals
  • ignoring other people's turn signals
  • tailgating
  • double-parking
  • parking somewhere that's not a parking space
  • stopping in the middle of the road instead of pulling over when you're picking someone up or dropping them off, and putting on your hazard lights like that's supposed to make it OK
  • parking in a handicap space when you don't have anything on your vehicle noting a handicap (this is also illegal...)
  • going the wrong way in a traffic circle because it's faster (this is both illegal and dangerous)


  • posting about your child(ren) a million times a day
  • acting like you are the strongest, most virtuous, most perfect person in the world because you're a SAHM
  • using the wrong homonym (they're/their/there, your/you're, affect/effect, etc.)
  • using an apostrophe to make something plural
  • making a vague but dramatic woe-is-me statement, then saying "nothing" or "I don't want to talk about it" when people ask what's wrong
  • ignorant political/religious rants
  • morbidly obese people constantly talking about food
  • saying that you are the "greatest" or "best" _____ (cook, mom, wife, whatever)
  • married women who drool over men who aren't their husbands
  • married women who complain about their husbands or talk about how stupid their husbands are
  • using Facebook like it's Pinterest 2.0, posting a bunch of random pictures from all over the Internet


  • making fun of other denominations
  • making women feel like they are less than human if they aren't married or don't have kids
  • using Scripture out of context, especially when you're using it to condemn someone else
  • leaving comments for people on Facebook but ignoring them in person
  • hanging around in the foyer before service until the band starts playing, which results in you missing the first song because you're too busy looking for a seat
  • walking in after the first song set is over, after the sermon has started, like the music isn't important
  • not even making an attempt to pronounce Biblical names correctly
  • picking apart comments that I make because they don't sound like something out of a seminary textbook
  • using hyper-theological language around non-seminary students and not explaining it, or explaining it in a patronizing way


  • chewing with your mouth open
  • arguing against leaving a good tip at a restaurant
  • pushing food around with your fingers instead of silverware
  • wiping your hands on your clothes when you have a napkin
  • putting some kind of seasoning on something that I cooked, before even tasting it to see if it needs anything added
  • saying that something I made would be better if done differently or added to something else
  • repeatedly saying how much you don't like a certain ingredient that's in something I made, even it's to lead up to what you think is a compliment


  • spelling my name without the H
  • saying repetitive things like "3 AM in the morning"
  • giving unsolicited advice
  • being really vague and then trying to make me look like an idiot when I try to get more details from you
  • any statement that begins with "that's nothing" or anything similar to that
  • speaking clearly but mispronouncing everything when you sing
  • comparing my marriage to your dating relationship
aug 7 2012 ∞
feb 17 2014 +