• Have my own library
  • Be an extra in a movie
  • Start a trend
  • Go to a concert
  • Become a doctor
  • Do doctors without borders
  • Take a trip around the world
  • Leave my footprints in wet cement
  • Make my parents proud
  • Go skydiving
  • See the northern lights
  • Swim with dolphins
  • Meet a famous person
  • Sleep underneath the stars
  • Carve my name into a tree
  • Send a message in a bottle
  • Learn sign language
  • Ride an elephant
  • Go to times square on new year's eve
  • Walk along the great wall of china
  • Be part of a flash mob
  • Solve a rubic's cube
  • Learn to surf
  • Go on a road trip with friends
  • Have a pet dog (golden retriever)
  • Meet my soulmate
  • Get lasik - laser eye surgery
  • Go to Harry Potter world in Orlando
  • Lay in the middle of the road "the notebook" style
  • Learn to play the guitar
  • Participate in a triathlon
  • Visit every state in the US
  • See a solar eclipse
  • Go to a Sky Lantern festival
sep 10 2011 ∞
sep 15 2011 +