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"Besides, the world isn't split up into good people and death eaters. We've all got both light, and dark inside of us. What matters, is the part we choose to act on."

"We're going to get in trouble...That's how you know it's an adventure" :)

"My my, what beautiful blossoms we have this year. But look, this one's late. And I'll bet when it blooms, it will be the most beautiful of all." :)

listography GIVE MEMORIES
michelle bucket list (2023 - )
Valerie Bucketlist (2025 Bucketlist)
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  • new sched.
  • crying
  • fitting @ 9:30am
  • "I'm going 'Little Princess' all over today's ass"
  • work 12-5
  • cheesecake & diddy reise w/ C.
  • M may switch shifts w/ me!!!
  • end of day realization: just because on a tight tight budget, doesn't mean I have to stop taking care of myself. case in point: that cheap makeup; not worth it!! can be resourceful and smart with money while getting the good stuff for my skin, and well being, without going overboard :)
dec 14 2010 ∞
jun 24 2011 +