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My thoughts are all over the place sometimes and no outlet to channel them to. It can be really overwhelming. Hence, this place *vague hand gesture*

listography NEW NEWS

This is determined by appearance, personality or both.

  • Sawada Tsunayoshi - is a nobody at first, lack of motivation, bad at a lot of things but not without talents and self qualities. In fact, he's got a lot of unpolished and hidden potentials that were just waiting to be found. For someone who is considered no-good by the general population of his school, he is the glue that stick all of his friends together. Once they take a good look at who is beneath that hopeless persona, they will realise that he's a whole lot more than what shows outside. He's a strong willed person, determined once he set his goal on something, very kind-hearted and protective. And he's definitely not as stupid as he believes he is. Just a little slow in some stuff. Overall, he is someone who people tend to gravitate around.
  • Monkey D. Luffy - This is kinda obvious so not gonna type too much about him. He's emotionally intelligent, I love that part of him the most. He is inspiring, he makes people want to believe in goodness and hope. He always says the stupidest shit at random times but when he is serious, the things he says spark fire in people.
  • Bakugo Katsuki - He's the first character I love that isn't the main protagonist. This character has the most obvious character development in the series. He went from hard to soft (as soft as he can be with that temper.) He learns to admit his mistakes and apologise for them. He learns to open up. He learns to rely on other people instead of only thinking of himself as the best. he aims high, and totally delivers. also, he's a blonde and has red eyes and a childhood sweetheart lmao
  • Andrew Minyard - Now this one comes with his plus one slash partner, Neil Josten. They're a package deal. Though on his own, what draws me toward his character is how different he is when on med and sober. Drugged, he's a manic. Sober, he has a blank look as default expression. So the only time you get to see him smile is when he's medicated. Though that isn't a real, genuine smile. He has insane backstory. A heavy trauma that made him who he is. He's dubbed a monster, psychotic and violent because of it. But get to know him and you'll see that beneath all that is someone who cares. He cares so much but he has an unusual way of acting on that feeling. For someone who's supposed to be violent though, he has the gentlest touch. He's capable of being gentle and loving, as is shown when he's with neil. I'm so picky when it comes to reading fic involving andrew 'cause I need the writer to be able to write his character perfectly.
  • Aristotle Mendoza -
feb 17 2025 ∞
feb 17 2025 +