- #$&^*@ &#'@ = Esztir Leva
- ^# = Yes
- *^ = No
- %&$ = Lover (Long distance)
- #**^@#$ = Darling/Sweetie/"Courtmate"
- *&%^@ = "Friend"
- )|'^ = Tail
- )|'^ -- #$@@ = Tail Endearment, Like holding hands. not uncommon to see in public, and considered fairly tame.
- Couples Tails are coiled and almost twisted together thoroughly. Same with very close friends- thou they will often leave the ends free/less tightly wrapped.
- Children will often loop their tails together, Teachers/parents will do one or two loops to keep children near them while keeping hands free.
- ^$&%* = "person who is close to me + i see as high value"
- %*%(^$# = "person my very close person thinks is important and high value emotionally"
- $*%# = Lover/Crush (High-value)
- *%*)#$ = Best friend, Qpp/"Moirail"
- #**^' *%* = Combo of Courtmate and QPP Sentimental way to refer to a partner. Loosely translated as Mi Amor.
- #**^'^$& = Combo of Courtmate and "person who is close to me + i see as high value". often considered very sappy, silly and cheesy.
- #$@* = Cute-pretty(Casual, Platonic)
- #@$$% = Pretty (Formal, Distinct, Suggestive)
- #$%# = Pretty (Supportive, Friendly)
- #$@@ = Endearing (Heartfelt)
- #$%* = Stunning (Romantic)
- π ^ #$%* -| %&$ = You (sulphur-alined) are a pretty-friend
- π ^ #$%*-|%&$, -- !!^*, π *%%&*^ = You are so pretty, lover/dear. I love you, Esztir
- π ^ #$@@ = you (Sulphur) are stunning/beautiful
- ^^%#!--& = Mother-fucker
- *#%&(@*!(* = Awful/Terrifying (Used like "AAAAA")
- *&$#@^ = Word for 'Rabbit', a horrible Monster.
- $#@^ = another word for monster.
- !!%#@ = Monster/Freak. used for unpleasant Rare traits or unsettling beasts.
- *&^^ = love
- *&^^v = unlovable/insult.
- &$^#%$ = Sorry
- *&%$#*^ ="Sweet-Soup-Mana-Curse" or 'Sweet tea' (Sounds like chimes/Clinks and whistle tones/notes)
- Pronouns word as "Symbol-'Gender'-Value" Or more causally as "Symbol".
- Gender Neutral title/Honorific is Mg (Mage!) Mr/Ms are used but are not common, With Ms/Ma'am being the 'default'. Mx is used only when asking for introductions, its the "eh" in language. a questioning tone indicator.
- Often when shortened, Pronouns will stress a factor, Some prefer 'Symbol-Presentation' vs 'Symbol-Magic'. Some want 'Symbol-Value' exclusively, it's a personal choice.
- True netrual is "Γ:x" formally or Γx/Γ infomrally.
- Leva is "sulphur-null-powerful/πΓΈ^" or "πx"
- Jaonos is "acid-light masc-weak/π[β]v or π[β]"
- πX ^ *&^^ Γv -. !#% Γv ^ πX #**^@#$ -- %&$ = I (Sulphur/Neutral) Love you (Null/Low). Will you (Null/Low) be my (Sulphur/Neutral) Courtmate (Boyfriend), Lover?
- Γv ^ *&^^ πX = I (Null/low) Love you (Sulphur/Neutral)
- `*~ = Bitch/Hoe. (Literally Translates to 'soggy'. Sounds like Hun/Hn)
- Γ ~$&^*, -/%. = You (Null) Are Amazing, Tho.
- Γ ^ #*X!!, ^ %--@ = You (Null) are Dumb, Goof.
- ~^&** = Tears/Crying/Markings. used both for the action of crying and festival-specific mark-making/painted symbol traditions (Sounds like Chai/Chi/Ch'eye)
- @!%!! = Cibii, Kibii. No direct meaning, Often used as a Fuck you/Kill yourself/Oh Shit.
- @?~ = Cold/Chilly.
- ^%@ = Tired, Done (with Task/Event). Used as 'I want to go home' and 'I need a Nap'. Pronounced like 'Ma/Mah'
- ^%@-^%@ = Sleepy, Tired (cute) Done with things. considered more playful, cutesy or 'childish'. Pronounced like 'Mah-mah' or 'Mai-mah'
- x--^%@ = VERY Tired, Extremely drained, exhausted.
- #(%$*@ = "Illsipar" a type of (Alcoholic) Drink, sort of like a mead or wine, made from 'Illsi' plant (Normally the Roots).
- %*(# = (Honey) Cake; a Pet name for Children, and friends. Used a lot when comforting People.
- #X@& = Flirt/Sap. Used both Affectionately for Partners and Insulting for Random guys at the Bar! (Hostile adds a ^ To the end, or ^* For someone who really doesn't take the Hint you aren't Interested)
- ^*^$!* = Tikrimi; Blue Turkey. A Bird with Hatsune Miku coloured Meat!
- #-$*@^ = Chips/Chirps. Berries that are comparable to raspberries or wild blueberries. Usually purple/pink in color
- %$*# = Soup. Usually swirly. fey-portal. like mushrooms? but, tomato. served with grilled cheese or meat (Called "&%" or Stixs)
- ^$@** = Bows. Like bowtie pasta, with shrimp. Shrimp are blue and orange. Aroace flag core meal.
- ##$% = What/Confused
- !!@^ = Ayyy-ah. Filler word, usually like a"Oh, you!" flustered or sign-like.
- #%*^ = Want/Need/Offer
- ^^!~! = Sugar/Sweetening. Added to Tea. Word interchangeable for any 'additive' to Food/Drink. (Ie, salt, Pepper or Such).
- %#&** = Blind/Blinded.
- #^^%*# = Stupid/Dumb/Mistake. pronounced like 'Eeby'
- #@%!!* ^ Γ = Death of Self.
- ^*^'#-$'^~ = "Blue - Purple - Sweet/Lilac". referencing three foods (Tikrimi; blue, Chips; Purple and Honey/sugar;Lilac) that Ysee made up as a "Popsicle flavour" and "ship name" for herself, Sam and Marilyn.
- !!^& = Attai A popular tea in Xivvlo! Bright pink, Tastes like a common green tea, Esztir likes to add a SHITTON of honey to hers.
- %*@# ' $#^^ = A great area that includes Xivvlo. Mostly woodland and nature, Holds many Magical beasts and great powers. The Region Aleksi Orio cares for.
- !!@#-^ = More/Harder. Used both are a 'things are too much' and a 'do it better' sort of statement.
aug 1 2023 ∞
dec 3 2024 +