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heres where i talk about cartoons and movies and review them so i dont actually forget abt shit i've watched,, feel free to read theyre just big infodumps mostly

  • does this even belong in the film category?? idk
  • ahh.. mobert psycho. funny psychic boy with a bowl cut and a tax evading uncle go around hunting ghosts and ghouls,, what could be better!!
  • no but i genuinely love this show and it means so much to me,, what can i say that hasnt been said before?? the main cast are all so lovable and unique,, the arcs are all interesting and rly draw you in,, and the ANIMATION?? god tier
  • while i say this,, i do believe that the manga handles a lot of the things in the anime better,, esp the arcs in the second season and with the rephrasing of certain lines (which ultimately makes them way less impactful)
  • and while we're all like "mob psycho treats its children characters appropriately (which is just.. such a low bar to begin with), we honestly cant ignore the fact that it does fuck that up in some aspects,, as much as i love mp100 i cant ignore the rly shitty stuff abt it (although minimal, we cant act like its perfect!)
  • i still love mp100 though!! its meant so much to me over the past years and being a fan of it has just given such joy... it genuinely inspires me and has impacted me in ways i cant describe! its given me friends i'll never lose and characters i'll never forget..
  • so like lets actually talk abt the characters. although mob is one of the most powerful psychics on the planet, hes still a middle school boy trying to live his (somewhat) normal middle school life! and theres something extremely charming to that.. we all know mob is this all powerful being but watching him go through day to day struggles of a middle schooler and deal w crushes and friends is so endearing. he actively tries to improve himself as a person, and (for the most part) sticks with his morals, and i lvoe him so much
  • i know we all goof on reigen but i love reigen so much too,, from first meeting him he's just "fake psychic whos scamming a child into doing his shitty ghost-busting-business" but hes so much deeper than that,, he cares about mob so much. he notices mob is extremely uncomfortable handling with a ghost? dont worry abt it mob i got it from here. mob has a race he has to prepare for at school? put on your damn track shoes mob we're going jogging. mobs destroying an entire city? hey mob everythings going to be okay! mobs getting hurt by this jerk? reigens got a fucking gun. he's put himself in danger so many more times than i can count just to protect mob,, but hes also this scam artist who tricks everyone that their problems are the doing of a ghost. the duality of a man.
  • quick serizawa infodump even though hes only in like 4 episodes and an ova i LOVE HIM!!!!!!! terrified of his own psychic powers, he locks himself in his room to avoid hurting anyone ever again,, naive and lonely, he joins toichiro in the claw devision, only to get caught up into something he doesn't necessarily enjoy. when first introduced to mob, you can see he genuinely doesnt want to hurt anyone, and that he joined just because he wanted friends. its so powerful to me how he realizes that mob was his first ever friend after 30+ years of his life,, soon after he changes for the better (inspired by mob ofc), protects reigen (from literally dying!!!), gets a new job, and actively tries to improve himself little by little.. serizawa just means so much to me aahjkgkjfg
  • serizawa please dm me
  • wow big ol mp100 infodump. mp100 is extremely good and if you read this w out actually watching it first then woops sorry for the spoilers. but its such an incredible show, with fantastic characters and amazing animation,, it'll strive you to become a better person, just like mob
  • mp100 season 3 please come out soon. im begging you
apr 5 2020 ∞
apr 5 2020 +