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heres where i talk about cartoons and movies and review them so i dont actually forget abt shit i've watched,, feel free to read theyre just big infodumps mostly

  • aggretsuko good!! aggretsuko good!!!!
  • honestly i was a little worried about this season bc iirc,, the lead writer said she was a bit burnt out in between season 2 and 3?? so i was a bit worried abt the quality but i rly enjoyed this season!!
  • if you know me it isn't going to be a surprise that i like adult cartoons that don't rely on being offensive and crude every 5 minutes and that's pretty much what aggretsuko is!! i would say this season had a lot more alcohol and umm... violence??? but i still rly liked it
  • i will have a spoiler warning for when i get into more spoilery stuff btw!!! but its kind of hard to not be spoilery uh oh
  • this season we got a couple of new characters and new friendships between different characters that you wouldn't rly expect to interact and i think that's so neat!! there's this one trio that you get to see and i rly like their dynamic
  • you also get to see a bit more into the life of other side characters and i think that's rly cool, i will say i think this season is more focused on haida but?? when is it not tbh
  • I LOVE HAIDA SO MUCH BTW he was v cute this season there were SO MANY good haida moments
  • I LIKED THIS SEASON and it rly made me go wild but,, there could be some places where it could be better?? but thats okay
  • okay im writing this on the day it came out bc i binged it so
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  • haida's crush gets a little... frustrating?? at the end? but its supposed to be?? bc if it's frustrating to haida it's going to be frustrating to the audience,, but idk i feel like him and inui had a bit more of a connection?? at least things in common maybe? im rly glad they addressed the issue that haida still doesn't know v much abt retsuko. his feelings are valid but if she doesn't make an effort to hang out with him outside of work then what's the point?? inui was making that effort but he still chose retsuko and I GET IT but hurhghhhhgh.... he's a little silly
  • i also wasn't exactly sure how they were going to do the whole idol thing but i feel like it was okay in the end? i know retsuko wanted a place where she belonged but idk.. being an idol seemed kind of out of character?? even if she was still doing her whole metal thing it was just.... weird??? idk i enjoyed it but i wish they went a bit further w her motive behind it other than "she was forced to"
  • haida protecting retsuko?? it was so sweet?? but then the second half of the episode seemed RLY rushed.. i also liked how they kept retsuko and haida's final relationship a bit ambiguous but,, it seemed kind of underwhelming???
aug 27 2020 ∞
aug 27 2020 +