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heres where i talk about cartoons and movies and review them so i dont actually forget abt shit i've watched,, feel free to read theyre just big infodumps mostly

  • ive wanted to watch this movie for years and holy shit
  • gahh im gonna try to keep this spoiler free but ohh my goddddd
  • the animation was absolutely beautiful, and the little details of the animation just make it soooo good,, you could read characters facial expressions and body movements, you could see them breath, see them think
  • it does such a great job of showing anxiety in the characters,, just the little details like rolling the characters long sleeves over their hands, lack of eye contact, self depreciation, etc etc
  • this movie just feels so.. intimate.. youre watching micheals every move, seeing how he reacts, theres hardly any time skips at all,, we see his day as it plays out and i think thats such an interesting yet super cool story telling choice to make
  • one thought i had in the beginning of the movie was "why does this have to be animated?",, seeing as how the story was playing out in the beginning it couldve easily been half the budget,, but one you get farther into the movie i promise it'll 100% make sense why they animated it and why it improves the movie so much more just from being animated
  • the puppets are so so beautiful, they replicated skin so well,, you can see fat rolls on the characters, you can see how the faces contort ever so slightly whenever people blink or smile,, its the incredible attention to detail to little body movements and how muscles + fat move that just made the visuals so incredible
  • okok SPOILER TIME im sorry i cant help myself but pls if anyone wants to check out this movie i promise its better to go in not knowing hardly any of the plot,, just check it out
  • the use of animation is so good with the slight horror / surreal aspects of this film,, if this were live action i bet it wouldnt have gotten half the praise its gotten, the animation just helps the story and visuals so much,,
  • it was such a brilliant choice to have every other character have the same face and voice,, its not something you immediately notice, it just makes everything odd.. every interaction is realistic but a little bit strange,, awkward, surreal, and yet you dont really question it,, you wonder why, but its never explained until the last 5 minutes of the film, and GOD that was so good
  • it was so sad when micheal was slowly realizing that he wasnt in love anymore,, he falls so quickly in love, and falls out of it as quickly,, he just cant be happy anymore, and its so sad watching that over the course of 2-3 days,, he talks about the importance of seeing people as important and individuals, and yet he cant even do that. everyone is a dull blur,, happiness between people never lasts, one day you just wont feel that spark anymore
  • god get this man some therapy
  • the way he was so fascinated and just utterly in love with lisa was beautiful,, i love how shes not conventionally attractive,, she has a scar on her face, she's generally awkward and self conscious, she mutters and stumbles around her words,, and yet micheal falls in love, and theres just something so nice about that,, he loves hearing her talk about her day and sing, but once morning comes again,, he falls out of love so quickly,, her voice turns into everyone elses voice, that dull blurry voice..
  • OOOOO just the story telling you get from the character design and the sound design and the completely intentional choice of making everyone have the same face, the same voice, the same stories was just so impactful
  • movie good
nov 29 2020 ∞
nov 29 2020 +