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heres where i talk about cartoons and movies and review them so i dont actually forget abt shit i've watched,, feel free to read theyre just big infodumps mostly

  • so yall know im a slut for tv-14 cartoons,, i think they have so much potential w that kind of rating and yet theres so few of them...
  • i like china, il but boy i do have some issues with it
  • the characters are all rly fun but theres these little things abt them,, like how in season 1 steve was kind of a sleezy but cool teacher who gets all the girls, but in season 2 they rly amped this up and so now he's sleeping w a different student everyday,, its a college so the students are like 20-ish but theres such this weird power imbalance and just overall gross implication of his character that is never rly mentioned in the show by any of the other characters.. one of thems gotta know thats kinda fucked up right?
  • okay i'll say it baby cakes kinda sucks,, maybe hes just not my personal fav type of character but he's definitely in the show just to cause problems bc hes so dumb,, his dumb antics most of the time arent fun theyre just aggravating to the characters and the viewer.
  • this ones totally a personal issue but season 3 changed the art style ever so slightly and it just,, bugged me a little. thicker outlines, less shapey mouth movements, the characters seem more 3d,, and all of these are good animation-wise.. im sure they made animation slightly easier and made overall movement less limited and awkward, but DAMN thats what i liked abt the first 2 seasons!! i loves how shapey everything was,, it had such a distinct style and yet changing these tiny little things just makes the show lose its charm a little bit...
  • but... good things!! this show has pretty good representation!! theres body types of all different shapes and sizes, many characters of color, lgbt characters, and even deaf representation in the first episode.
  • the humors pretty good too,, not rly laugh out loud stuff for me personally but i still have a fun time waching it!! i will say this show does slowly turn into "we're an adult cartoon so we can put as much sex and violence as we can and itll be funny!!" which is pretty dissapointing
  • i think this show needs more genuine moments and at least SOME effort of character development,, this definitely isnt a show with a proper timeline but i think itd rly help if we got to know the characters on a slightly more personal level and not be joking 24/7. all im asking is for a genuine conversation between steve and pony and have them hug it out or smth and then we can go back to the goofs.. just give me SMTH to help me get more attached to these guys.
  • i think this show had rly big potential with its premise but the humor is so juvenile sometimes
  • i promise i like this show i just complain a lot
  • this show does have pretty cool concepts for episodes though, like a total apocalypse or time travel or "prank week" or body doubles or just teaching a bunch of crows to do shit but then sometimes its like. someones ass learns how to talk...
nov 16 2020 ∞
nov 17 2020 +