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heres where i talk about cartoons and movies and review them so i dont actually forget abt shit i've watched,, feel free to read theyre just big infodumps mostly

  • okay idk if i like this show but i watched like 10 episodes so.
  • it's honestly just.. regular show but in 2018. it has a BUNCH of references to just modern pop culture that i feel like will REALLY date it in like. 5 years. like remember fidget spinners??? smart phones?? drones?? woah fucking wild!!! they even used the song "turn down for what" like that shit was when i was in middle school HELLO/??!?!? haha yall know abt instagram and hashtags and youtube?? SHUT UP!!!!
  • this show has a VERY specific audience of "30 year old adults who maybe have a kid and are trying their best to stay in touch with their youth" like just say you're old bitch!!!
  • i just don't think i like jg quintel's style of humor.. it's extremely "in your face"
  • these episodes can be VERY fast paced and just somewhat nonsensical even though it's supposed to take place in a fairly real world? like i know half the humor comes from "woah isn't this ABSURD!!!" but it honestly just feels like regular show... 2!
  • also the main character (josh) just kind of. isn't my thing. and i feel like thats BECAUSE he's just jg quintel. so josh is also very "in your face"
  • the best character is alex ofc.
  • idk i was just underwhelmed and overwhelmed with this show at the same time?? there were some jokes that landed but for the most part it wasn't rly anything GREAT. to me it's mostly regular show with bad words in it and jokes that were funny 2 years ago
aug 27 2020 ∞
aug 27 2020 +