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heres where i talk about cartoons and movies and review them so i dont actually forget abt shit i've watched,, feel free to read theyre just big infodumps mostly

  • whyd i get invested in this show?? i dont know?????
  • i tend to rly like indie animation, and i rly like some of the stuff that mondo media comes out with, so it's kind of no surprise that i like gary and his demons
  • so whats it abt?? the "chosen one" born to protect humans from demons is just. fucking tired. he's a middle aged man and he's sick of everyones shit and doesn't care anymore,, he works at a demon hunting agency which i guess everyone in this world knows abt demons?? which is an interesting concept
  • i think this show has a lot of interesting concepts honestly?? like some of the demons and "myths" just being friends w gary and the idea that normal people can just get real jobs as "demon hunter!"
  • the art styles a bit.. weird. i enjoy it a lot of the time and i think it allows for some pretty smooth tweening animation but i think it either looks pretty good or just rly cheap and clunky,, there never seems to be a good inbetween of those two
  • i like it when these types of series tend to get a bit more serious with their tone and subject matter, as this show tends to delve into the topic of loss and depression a pretty good amount
  • but dont forget its DEFINITELY an adult cartoon,, theres a lot of like "haha sex!!" which isnt. my favorite style of humor but its alright. i dont think you constantly need to be reminding the audience that "that's right these characters can FUCK" when the show is constantly full of violence and curse words.
  • also oh god. the main characters voice is an odd choice.. it definitely takes some time to get used to but once you get past that i find this show to be p enjoyable!!
  • ALSO with this being an indie cartoon they're not regulated by the usual tv standards which allows them to go a bit more extreme on some of the subjects which i honestly like?? sure theres PLENTY of swearing on this show but i dont think it ever rly goes too overboard and a lot of the dialogue seems pretty genuine due to the writing which i rly like
  • so yeah umm if you can get past the art style and the main characters voice i'd say give it a shot!! but if you end up not liking the show bro. i absolutely get it
aug 27 2020 ∞
aug 27 2020 +