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heres where i talk about cartoons and movies and review them so i dont actually forget abt shit i've watched,, feel free to read theyre just big infodumps mostly

  • i just finished watching it tehehe SPOILER WARNING
  • UMMM OKAY..... imo this was probably the weakest of all 4 seasons,, and thats kind of a bummer considering that this was the last one
  • BUT. ryan and min-gi are very good.. their struggles were kind of frustrating at points bc it felt like they were just in a loop?? but it gets better i promise
  • but omg.. kez.... auughhhghhhhh
  • okay so the problem w her is that she learns her lesson WAY too late.. we have to deal with her being inconsiderate and causing problems for almost 8 whole episodes and right at the end she gets redeemed with almost no consequences.. idk i was pretty annoyed with her
  • and the problem is she has good moments!! shes a rly fun character its just that i think her ending just wasnt, very.... good??
  • i understand this season was supposed to be a bit more lighthearted and fun but it still carries the same tones from the other seasons of people trying to fix their past mistakes,, so i dont think it super works very well?
  • ESPECIALLY w the fact that not a lot was explained in this season,, sure we got to see kind of the "beginning" of the train but that was kind of... it? it was interesting to witness amelia take over the train but other than that nothing rly new is introduced to the train or its mechanics.. which was disappointing. you can have a light hearted season and explain properties of the train the audience doesnt fully understand at the same time!!
  • i still had fun w this season, dont get me wrong!!! i rly rly like ryan and min-gi!! their dynamics are fun and it was an interesting concept to have 2 passengers show up at the same time,, and the ending was cute! i just think the execution couldve been better, and its a real shame that this is the last season
apr 15 2021 ∞
apr 15 2021 +