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heres where i talk about cartoons and movies and review them so i dont actually forget abt shit i've watched,, feel free to read theyre just big infodumps mostly

  • i have intial d brainrot dont talk to me
  • the eurobeat is such a weird but REALLY GOOD audio choice,, if they didnt play hype ass music during the races i dont think they'd be as effective
  • i cant even drive but damn this show has me hype as fuck for cars!!! wtf!!!!
  • i absolutely LOVE the beginning of the show,, the progression of them finding out that takumi is the one driving the 86 is sooo so good
  • idc what anyone says i love those shitty cgi cars
  • it was also nice seeing takumi and itsuki's friendship animated,, in the manga it kind of seems like takumi doesnt "like" itsuki that much (or maybe he has a harder time showing his appreciation) but in the anime we do have these rly nice moments between them!! it was sweet :^)
  • ONE THING THAT WAS DUMB they gave itsuki a 1 episode girlfriend?? that never happened in the manga and it was sooo unnecessary.... in the manga takumi raced against shingo because he almost got iketani in a wreck but in the anime hes like "hm... thats not that bad.. i'll only race him if itsuki almost dies!!" like idk... i feel like he already had a pretty strong motive to race him in the beginning, they didnt rly need to add that
  • my only big complaint is how the female characters are written,, it has the same problem in the manga too but god.. we couldve just left all that stuff out
  • when your show has only a few female leads and they're mostly there for boobie shot or to talk abt how cute boys are,, congrats you wrote a shitty character!!! do better idiots!!
  • and the problem is that i DO rly like these girl characters,, they have so much potential and they have good moments but every 5 minutes they fall back into the shitty writing trope and it ruins their character for me
  • RLY GOOD SHOW i can see how its a classic but god. write your girls better next time
mar 14 2021 ∞
mar 14 2021 +