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heres where i talk about cartoons and movies and review them so i dont actually forget abt shit i've watched,, feel free to read theyre just big infodumps mostly

  • i rly enjoyed this movie!!! but lets talk abt the problems i have with it since thats all i can think abt it
  • was it funny.. YES. BUT. i feel like a lot of it relied a bit too much on pop culture references + old memes / jokes,, those can be fine a lot of the time but sometimes when theres too much it just rly dates the movie
  • like lol roombas cant go downstairs. ..okay.
  • i also think it was still a bit too "booo technology bad burn with fire" but i mean.. i get it. robots taking over the world what did i expect.
  • also something that was a little frustrating was that katie being a lesbian was all kind of subtext,, we get one line at the end implying she has a crush on a girl and a line from katie saying she wants to be her "true self" yadda yadda, and also a pride pin.. like these are all good but it stinks that the little brother gets to have a blatant crush on a girl meanwhile we just get 3 implied lines from katie and thats it.. i dont need katie to just straight up say "IM A LESBIAN!!" but idk maybe a little more would be nice
  • speaking of the brother i didnt rly like his voice actor?? it just didnt rly fit his character.. and also sometimes he sounded rly far away from the mic which was weird?
  • BUT. GOOD STUFF. this movie is visually incredible. i absolutely adore the animation and art direction, and the little details in the characters, especially katie with her drawing all over herself and her clothes, its very fun!!
  • its also a pretty funny movie as well! and if its not making me laugh its at least being incredibly charming and fun to watch
  • and katie is SUPER relatable uh oh!!!! oopsies!!!!
  • aw fuck idk what else to say. GOOD MOVIE. i just have these small problems with it but ultimately they dont rly affect my overall pleasure of watching it. except for maybe the outdated/overused jokes...
may 5 2021 ∞
may 5 2021 +