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heres where i talk about cartoons and movies and review them so i dont actually forget abt shit i've watched,, feel free to read theyre just big infodumps mostly

  • ive been waiting for this movie for 2 YEARS!!!! its been in production for 7!!!!!!AAAAAA
  • THIS MOVIES FANTASTIC its gotta be one of my fav movies ever now urhgkjhjdkfghkldfgh
  • okay.. plot. bunch of delinquents at high school start a band and play at a festival.. thats it. and its SO GOOD
  • the ost is rly rly good im listening to it rn
  • but the ANIMATION???? HOLY SHIIIIIT its some of my favorite animation ive seen in a movie in so long.. the choice to keep it all traditional and to redraw the entire frame when the characters are talking (and not just redraw the mouth) is such a small detail but it looks fantastic.. the way the medium changed to digital whenever one of the characters daydreamed,, the use of different traditional mediums (watercolor, painting, colored pencils),,,, THE ROTOSCOPING??? the rotoscope looks FANTASTIC and its used so so SO efficiently.. even just small details like the character acting or the secondary motion of the skirts its SOOOO GOOD
  • and BOY THE CHARACTER ANIMATION.. FANTASTIC,, its directed so so well and it was so fun watching the actors do the motions in real life
  • the festival scene?? amazing!!! the best part of the film.. i dont wanna spoil the end but i absolutely didnt see that ending coming
  • the joke timing is rly rly good too i ended up laughing a pretty good amount!!
  • idk what to say badly of it.. maybe some of the pauses were a little too long but i like that tbh,,
  • WAIT I DO idk why that butt grab scene had to be in there.. gladly its not justified or anything but it was just kinda like.. oh alright that happened....
  • BUT
  • you can rly see the love in every frame.. the dedication kenji put into making this film really shows and it just means so so much to me that theres still extremely passionate animators out there.. i love love love how experimental it is and hopefully with it winning an award the ottawa animation festival we'll see more kinds of movies like this in the future that are willing to take risks and experiment with different styles and mediums of animation
mar 16 2021 ∞
mar 16 2021 +