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heres where i talk about cartoons and movies and review them so i dont actually forget abt shit i've watched,, feel free to read theyre just big infodumps mostly

  • its 4am and i jsut finished binging tuca and bertie lets fucking goooooo
  • i just think this show is genuinely so so important
  • i adore the writing in this show and how its able to be so silly and so serious at the same time,, but this is (im assuming) from the same team that made bojack horseman so that makes sense (i think it works better her though since this shows fairly lighter,, still has its tough moments though)
  • i love how the environment is so dense and interactive and theres so many side characters to just fill in the space of the city but they all have so much personality which makes it feel so much more engaging,, and how the characters can manipulate the environment is so fun, theres so many examples... like their words physically appearing and hitting the wall, the sauce smears and jaguar scratches staying in tucas apartment, tuca turning off a switch and having it become night all of a sudden ITS SO FUUUN
  • and visually this show always has so much to look at. if the main focus / main characters arent doing very much, theres always something rly charming or fun happening in the background,, subtle jokes that are easy to miss if youre not looking in the right place and it makes this show rly rly fun to rewatch
  • and the characters struggles are rly rly relatable and unfortunately i relate to speckle!!!!! uh oh!!!!!
  • one thing i rly like how they dont try and make speckle a villain,, like i know hes not evil but at least he isnt like an abusing boyfriend or a neglectful boyfriend,, hes there for bertie constantly and even if hes kinda dorky and a liiiiiiiittle "boring" (at least compared to tuca) he's never shown as a bad partner,, the audience isnt rooting for bertie and speckle to break up.. and idk i think thats neat
  • the messages this show has and the themes and the characters are just so so important. i dont think i rly have anything bad to say,, its such a good fucking show!!!!! damn!!!!!!!!! watch it!!!!!! now!!!!!!!!
may 18 2021 ∞
may 18 2021 +