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I really like lists. I make them for myself, so even the non-private ones aren't meant to be read by anyone but me.

listography NEW NEWS
  • If you don't start wearing it, you won't look rotten without it. If you do wear it then people think you don't look nearly as good on occasions when you don't. ("Are you sick?")
  • I don't want to spend the money
  • I don't want to spend the time
  • I'm perfectly fine with how I look without it
  • It's not my style
  • I'm just not interested in it at all
  • I shan't wear it simply because society expects it. It's not immoral to not wear make-up, so I'm not going to wear it just because other people think I should.
  • Make-up sometimes has icky stuff in it
  • I don't care if people think the natural look is stupid, it's for me
  • It's not bad hygiene to forego make-up
  • Eye make-up can be bad for your eyes and eyelashes
  • If people don't like me for not wearing make-up they are not worth having as close friends because that is a really stupid reason for disliking someone
  • I hate how I look in make-up
feb 10 2013 ∞
sep 8 2014 +