- Civil Service?
- take civil service test
- positions you applied for: Clerk Typist 1, Entry Level Clerical Positions (Local Government), Aging Care Manager 1, County Caseworker 1,
didn't finish applying: Residential Program Trainee/Worker
- Library?
- don't spend money on an MLS. You can apply to libraries but you probably won't get anything good. Also if you get the civil service job and want to supplement you could see if the library would hire you part-time.
Although with an MLS you could either work as a librarian OR an archivist if you get enough archival science credits. And the civil service does have a librarian position, for those who've gotten an MLS or equivalent
- ESL?
- look into teaching in France or Japan.
- teach online?
- English First program?
- ohayosensei
- Teach literature
- apparently you can do this without an education degree if you teach at a private school
- Professor at Geneva (LOL, not that I have the qualifications for that, but if they for some reason offer me a job teaching here I'd totally do it. Teaching literature to college students would be so fun. I could work a few years and then go back and get a degree for that? Maybe? Probably a bad idea)
- Technical writing
- Publishing company (production assistant?)
- Editor
- Freelance proofreader
- Kitty Cafe worker? (Le Chat Cafe, Kawaii Kitty Cafe, Colony Cafe) Possibly I could work part time at a cat cafe and part time as a librarian???
- open a cat cafe/bookstore in Lancaster (not likely...)
- ghostwriting?
- audiobook reading (ACX is a good site for paid audiobook reading. Be sure to edit as you go so that way you have less work at the end.)
- Keep up your fiction writing (both normal stories and writing for graphic novels), maybe someday you'll meet an artist who wants to illustrate graphic novels and you can write the dialogue... keep dreaming....
- Book reviewing?
- Voice acting
- Copy editing
- try working in a behind-the-scenes position with a medical company?
In my life, I want to... write books and publish them - self-publish is fine if that is what I have to do. I want to record audiobooks, especially my own audiobooks. That'll boost my sales/royalties. I want to make YouTube videos about books. I'd love to do some library work. I can get an account on a survey site and listen to audiobooks while taking surveys.OH I could listen to my own audiobooks that need to be edited-kill two birds with one stone!!