• It's MINE. No one else's...well, I share with the cat and my boyfriend
  • Did I say that it's mine?
  • I can arrange my stuff however I want.
  • Naked room dashing
  • I can rearrange things whenever I get the urge
  • Disturb my roommate? My cat doesn't care if I stay up late.
  • No clutter (well, other than mine).
  • I have an office!
  • My office is also the craft room!
  • The nasty hair in the tub belongs to me, so I can touch it.
  • No drippy washcloths near my toothbrush.
  • My space isn't all crammed/jammed with stuff.
  • I don't have to dig the recyclables out of the trash since people are often too lazy to drop it in the other can.
feb 4 2008 ∞
feb 4 2008 +