- First, this is in wishes category because these are things that I really wish would happen and even though I can try my hardest, there is a little wish involved in all of them.
- Lose weight, a little premature for my age... but still. This includes working out, other than dancing... and eating healthier, a lot healthier.
- All Splits, this goal has been made so many times but my knee has been in the way, I need to push through the pain.
- Make people believe I am my own person, make people think I am grown up and be who i really am.
- GET A JOB! whoa, so important
- And start saving the money I earn. (aka budget)
- Organize my room, get rid of things that are unnecessary. Closet, Bathroom organization. Make things easy to KEEP clean.
- Be my best at school, but don't stress when my best is not an A
- Compete a Solo and at least one convention...
- Make new friends, People always say that I should put exact definition of goals like: make 5 new friends this month: but that seems over rated so... I am going to stick with just make new friends.
- Sound more educated, but still genuine when talking to people. Compliment more.
- Improve my cooking skills.
dec 30 2011 ∞
jan 1 2012 +