films (Disney/Studio Ghibli movies I want)
sep 12 2012
websites (my daily stops (don't judge me!))
oct 23 2011
about me (topics i'm kind of dumb on)
sep 29 2010
music (favorite tv theme songs)
sep 29 2010
about me (super powers i wish i had)
sep 29 2010
about me (the way to my heart is...)
sep 29 2010
about me (what to put in my coffin with me)
sep 29 2010
about me (Pet Peeves )
sep 29 2010
autobio (things about me in alphabetical order)
sep 29 2010
autobio (things that make me smile)
sep 29 2010
pets (future pet names)
sep 29 2010
books (book that influenced who i am)
jun 24 2010
travel (U.S. states I have been to)
jun 24 2010
films (top 10 all time)
jun 24 2010
school (Top 10 HS memories)
jun 24 2010