- Abandoned places.
- Accents.
- Acrobats/Aerialists.
- Adrenaline.
- Aerial views.
- Airports.
- Aliens.
- Amusement parks.
- Amusement park maps.
- Ancient history.
- Animal teeth, bones, antlers.
- Animation.
- Anti-religion.
- Antiques.
- Arrowheads.
- Art Nouveau.
- Back dimples.
- Ball-pits.
- Bare feet.
- Beach combing.
- Beaches. Ocean, river, lake, any and all.
- Beating the system.
- Beetles.
- Bicycles with baskets.
- Big ears.
- Big Foot.
- Big lips.
- Bird song.
- Bivouacs.
- Blessings in disguise.
- Board games.
- Boats.
- Bobby pins.
- Bokeh.
- Books.
- Bows & ribbons.
- Boy-cut underwear.
- Braids.
- Bricks.
- Bridges.
- Brooches.
- Bunting.
- Burping.
- Camping.
- Capoeira.
- Cardigans.
- Carousels.
- Carpeted kitty condos.
- Cartoons.
- Castles.
- Catching a whiff of a good smelling person as they walk by.
- Cats.
- Caves.
- Ceramics.
- Cereal for dinner.
- Charm bracelets.
- Child prodigies.
- Children.
- Christmas ornaments.
- Christmas lights.
- Cigar boxes.
- Cinematography.
- Cirque du Soleil.
- Cities.
- Clawfoot tubs.
- Claymation.
- Clean sheets.
- The clearance section.
- Clotheslines.
- Cobblestone.
- Coin jars.
- Coincidences.
- Collections.
- Comfortable silence.
- Comic books.
- Comic-con.
- Coming home to your own bed.
- Commitment.
- Compliments.
- Costumes.
- Courderoy.
- Covered wagons.
- Cracking knuckles.
- Crazy straws.
- Crop circles.
- Cross-section views.
- Crossword puzzles.
- Crusts: Pizza, Sandwich, Delicious.
- Crystals.
- Crystal Balls.
- Curls.
- Cutting 6-pack rings before you throw them away.
- Cryptozoology.
- Déjà vu.
- Desert isles.
- Disney and ALL things related.
- Dogs.
- Dollhouses.
- Door knockers.
- Dream catchers.
- Dreams.
- Driftwood.
- Empire waists.
- Entomology.
- Etymology.
- Ewoks.
- Exploring.
- Face painting.
- Fairies.
- Families who still sit down to eat together.
- Farmer's markets.
- Feathers.
- Ferris wheels.
- Film festivals.
- Fimo.
- Fingerless gloves.
- Fireflies.
- Fixer-uppers.
- Flannel pajamas.
- Flaws.
- Flea markets.
- Fleece blankets.
- Flexibility.
- Forehead kisses.
- Foreign films.
- Fossils.
- Fountains.
- Freckles.
- Free refills.
- Free anything.
- Freeganism.
- Frosted glass.
- Garland.
- Geneaology.
- The Geico gecko.
- Gargoyles.
- Globes.
- Geodes.
- Good posture.
- Graveyards.
- Glass bottom boats.
- Ghosts.
- Gnomes.
- Hammocks.
- Hand holding.
- Handwritten letters.
- Handwritten anything.
- Hayao Miyazaki.
- Health.
- All things Harry Potter.
- Haunted places.
- Holidays.
- Homeopathic remedies.
- Horses.
- Hot air balloons.
- Houseboats.
- Humble pie.
- Ice sculptures.
- In-flight movies.
- Inkwells.
- Irony.
- Jelly beans.
- Old jewelry.
- Kokeshi dolls.
- Kachina dolls.
- Karma.
- Kayaking.
- Kites.
- Kaleidoscopes.
- Label makers.
- Lace.
- Lava.
- The Law of Attraction.
- Lazy rivers.
- Learning.
- Left-overs.
- Legos.
- Libraries.
- Lockets.
- Long car trips.
- The long, elaborate names of horses and dogs in professional shows/races.
- Love/hate relationships.
- Lunch boxes.
- Magic Fingers beds.
- Make-believe.
- Making lists.
- Making up words.
- Manners.
- Maps.
- Marionettes.
- Marshmallows.
- Masks.
- Mason jars.
- Matryoshka dolls.
- Mazes.
- Men in uniform.
- Milkshakes.
- Multi-linguality.
- Miniatures.
- Mirages.
- Mockumentaries.
- Moisturizing.
- Monocles.
- Monoliths & megaliths.
- The Monterey Bay Aquarium.
- Mood lighting.
- Mood rings.
- Moss.
- Motorcycle sidecars.
- Mud.
- Muffins.
- Mugs. The bigger the better.
- Music boxes.
- Mythology.
- Naps.
- National Geographic.
- National parks.
- Neat handwriting.
- Nervous habits.
- New socks.
- National Geographic.
- Nintendo.
- Non-verbal communication.
- Observing.
- Obstacle courses.
- The Olympics.
- Onomatopoeia.
- Open fields.
- Organization.
- Others' laughs.
- Ouija boards.
- The outdoors.
- Overalls.
- Paper lanterns.
- Personal growth.
- Postcards.
- Pen pals.
- Pigtails.
- Puns.
- Pop-up books.
- Panoramas.
- Passport stamps.
- Puzzles.
- Pocket-knives.
- Positivity.
- Piñatas.
- Parkour.
- Planes.
- Privacy.
- Pig Latin.
- Picnics.
- Planetariums.
- Public transportation.
- Prismacolors.
- Rainbows.
- Reading.
- Reading out loud/being read to.
- Records & record players.
- Refrigerator magnets.
- Rock, paper, scissors.
- Rock tumblers.
- Rocking chairs.
- Rococo.
- Roller coasters.
- Rooftops.
- Rooftop views.
- Rope swings.
- Rose Bowl parade floats.
- Rotary phones.
- Sand art.
- Sandcastles.
- Sandwiches.
- Scar stories.
- Scavenger hunts.
- Sea glass.
- Seashells.
- Secrets.
- Self-checkout lanes.
- Separation of church and state.
- Shadow boxes.
- Shadow puppets.
- Shipwrecks.
- Ships in a bottle.
- Skee-ball.
- Skeleton keys.
- Sleeping bags.
- Smoothies.
- Snow globes.
- The Slow Movement.
- Smooth writing pens.
- Smores.
- Souvenirs.
- Space heaters.
- Spiral staircases.
- Sprinkles.
- Squash-a-penny machines.
- Stained glass.
- Stargazing.
- Steamer trunks.
- Steampunk.
- Stream of conciousness writing.
- Street vendors.
- Stretching.
- Stigmata.
- Sub-cultures.
- Sun showers.
- Suspenders.
- Swings.
- Tandem bicycles.
- Tapas.
- Tattoos.
- Tea sets.
- Tents.
- Terrariums.
- Theme parks.
- Themed anything.
- Thesaurus'.
- Tiffany lamps.
- Time capsules.
- Time travel.
- Time-lapse photography.
- Toast.
- Tokens of friendship.
- Trains.
- Trampolines.
- Trapeze.
- Traveling.
- Treasure chests.
- True love stories.
- Twenty-four hour businesses.
- Typewriters.
- UFOs.
- Unlikely pairings.
- Unicorns.
- Unicycles.
- Urban exploration.
- Useless facts and trivia.
- Vacations.
- Vacuuming.
- Velvet.
- Venus flytraps.
- Victorian era.
- Vineyards.
- Vitamins.
- Voodoo dolls.
- Waking up early.
- Watercolors.
- Waterfalls.
- Whale song.
- When people laugh so hard that they cry.
- Whimsy.
- Whirling dervishes.
- Whistling.
- Wigs.
- Wildflowers.
- Wind chimes.
- Windmills.
- Window seats.
- Window shopping.
- Wit.
- Wobbly suspension footbridges.
- Wood floors.
- World records.
- Worn-in jeans.
- Wreaths.
nov 6 2007 ∞
apr 8 2016 +