- Employers/potential employers searching for you.
- Not hiring you based on your social media presence.
- Firing you based on the above.
- Judging your work performance and/or your character based on what you post/reveal on the internet.
- Private photos/moments being found/released to the masses on the internet.
- Granted, I am not the type to take racy photos of myself and have them anywhere on my computer, but for those who are, there are websites today whose sole purpose is to expose and exploit them.
- Hackers getting into your various accounts.
- Stealing your identity, breaking into your bank accounts, etc.
- Disturbing your privacy, hacking into your personal blogs/social networking sites, etc.
- Gleaning personal information about you to blackmail or bribe you or even pretend to be you.
- People becoming "famous" for the things they do/say/reveal on the internet.
- Of course, the apparent addiction of all these social networking sites.
- People live through their internet presence.
- People no longer live in the moment, they live and do things just so they can post about it on the internet later.
- With Tumblr especially, people post beautiful pictures of lives they'll never live, places they'll never go because they are too busy posting pictures of them.
- The internet has made everyone feel very self-important. It has caused the most mundane of people to think that everyone wants to know what they had for breakfast and who they're currently dating.
- The break-down of human social skills and face-to-face communication.
- Instead of using their imagination, exploring, discovering, DOING...many people are just watching things other people did on the Internet.
- The Internet has made the world feel very small.
- On the one hand, I guess that could be seen as a good thing because it connects people. But I see it as a bad thing as well, I like the world to feel big, vast, with endless things to explore. I want to go to the other side of the world and not see the same McDonald's I could see here.
- The decline of proper spelling and grammar.
- Internet shorthand, abbreviations and made-up acronyms will be the death of language.
nov 5 2011 ∞
nov 25 2013 +